Chapter 14

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Hero POV:

No! No! No! Why did all of this have to happen now?!

My mind is in overdrive but I hide all of it with a blank face, the only thing keeping me calm are the sparks erupting in my hand from the touch of my mate.

"What do you lot want to chat about?" I say with both a emotionless face and voice. Seeing that this kind of startles Jo, I give her hand a small squeeze to reassure her, she looks up at me and gives me a small smile before turning back to my family.

"You and your mate of course, and why we were never informed on you finding her." My mother chirps in.

"You were never informed because you didn't need to know. Besides, we haven't spoken in four years I didn't see why we needed to now." I reply coldly, while staring deep into my mother's eyes that used to hold so much safety and warmth in them, but now they stare at me in disgust.

"Whose fault is that," she snaps back, scrutinizing me with her eyes.

"Not mine," my voice comes out slightly unsure.

Titan scoffs, "of course it your fault! Your the reason Mercy is dead!" He yells and advances forward a little bit.

"Mercy?" Jo asks as she looks up at me in question.

"Oh that's great, your mate that you apparently love so much doesn't even know about our sister," Titan rolls his eyes. "I'm not surprised," he mutters then shakes his head, he gives off a low chuckle to taunt me.

"What happened Hero?" Jo turns fully to me and asks, her eyes daring me to lie. She presses her lips into a thin line and removes her hand from mine to then cross her arms over her chest as she raises a eyebrow.

"I swear it wasn't my fault, I thought for so long it was because of them," I point to my family. "But it wasn't," tears threaten to escape as I whisper the next part and look down at the grass.

Her face softens and she unfolds her arm to then cup my face in her hands, I look back up to her eyes. "I know, baby. Just please explain it to me so that I can fully understand." I nod at her request, when I open my mouth and I'm about to speak Titan annoyingly cuts in.


"SILENCE!" Jo's head turns to him as her voice booms loud through the garden, her eyes turn pure white like they were that night at the lake when she pulled me out of the water. I guess this is her Goddess taking over.

Titan drops down to his knees and bows his head in submission. "Have anything to say for yourself pup?" She asks with a voice that holds power and authority while simultaneously spitting venom, she slowly stalks towards him like a predator calculating its attack on its prey.

"I am sorry Goddess, please forgive me for my foolish actions." His voice is weak and submissive, it's a tone that is very unlike Titan.

"Do not disrespect me again or I will not hesitate to revoke your set mate that you have not yet found and you will become mate less," she warns him with a powerful promise.

"I understand Goddess," he replies with his head still being bowed showing his submission to her authority.

"Good," she walks away to me as he stands up. "You are now all dismissed, we will talk to you in two hours in Hero's office do not be late," she instructs. They all nod, my parents with a face of confusion from her power but Titan seems to know exactly what she is.

"What just happened?" I ask her after they have left and I take her body into my arms, holding her close to my chest.

"I just showed Titan who was boss," she smirks and I laugh. "Now, tell me what happened," she says as her eyes fade back to their normal blue-grey color.

"Okay, but let's go to my office. I don't want to speak about it out here in the open." I tell her and she nods in understanding.

Scooping her up in my arms, she gives out a small squeak and latches tightly onto me, "I can walk you know," she says and giggles.

I sigh, "I just really want you as close as possible right now." I tell her honestly. She nods and snuggles her face into the crook of my neck, feeling her warm steady breathes on my neck calms both me and Hardin. Her arms are wrapped around my neck while her legs are around my waist squeezing tightly to keep herself up.

Walking through the pack house, different wolves stare and whisper. The desperate she wolves bat their fake eye lashes at me and wink even with seeing my mate on me.

How pathetic, Hardin spits.

Agreed, I respond.

I give out a loud warning growl that has every staring wolf snap their head away and silences the noise, Jo just tightens her death grip on me, which I don't mind. Rushing up to the Alpha floor I quickly get to my office where after entering I slam the door shut and I quickly head over to my couch where I then lay down on my back with Jo lying on top of me. I stroke her hair to calm myself before starting my story.

"I love my sister, so much-" I whisper. "-and she died." Closing my eyes, I squeeze them together to try and hold in the tears threatening to escape. The past memories that I have worked so hard to push down rush to the surface.

After a few moments of silence Jo speaks, "she died, because....?"

"Because I wasn't there to protect here."

Note from author❤️:

Bonjour! How was this for you??

I don't got much to say today haha

You know you love me xoxo,

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