Chapter 8

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Hero POV:

As I stand here with my precious mate in my arms, I notice the crowd of curious wolves around us. I look up from Jos eyes and address the pack, "guys, this is your Luna, Josephine." I tell them. All faces light up with joy but the few unmated females that keep trying to get in my pants. I mentally roll my eyes at them, noise erupts from the rowdy wolves, "You all will get a chance to meet her later, but for now, me and her.... have some things to discuss," I look deep into my mates eyes with a smirk.

"Yes alpha," the pack states and bow their heads.

I take Jos hand and lead her to the stair case, but right before she is about to start walking up them, I scoop her up in my arms bridal style. "Hero!" She exclaims in a fit of giggles that makes me look at her adoringly.

"Your gorgeous," I whisper more for only myself to hear but Jo hears it and instantly blushes.

"Aw stop it, you making me blush," she dramatically puts a hand on her heart.

"But I like it when you blush," I pout, sticking my bottom lip out. What I don't expect to happen but does is Jo quickly leaning in and place her lips on mine, then sucking at my bottom lip that was just sticking out. When she pulls away she playfully bites my lip making me memorized of her.

"I've wanted to do that since the moment I first saw you in my head." She tells me with a clouded look over her eyes. That's when I lean in a smash my lips to hers, now I have entered my room with Jo still in my arms. Once I reach the end of the bed, I lightly throw her on it, making her burst into giggles as I chuckle at her. She scoots back so that her back is pressed against the head board, I crawl towards her and lean down to press my lips to hers once I reach her. Our mouths work expertly against one another, I end up taking a seat next to her then pull her into my lap with our mouths still locked. She moans when my tongue caresses hers, instantly I feel my boxers grow uncomfortably tight.

I flip us over so that her back is pressed against the mattress as I hover over her, pressing my body to hers. But not enough to crush her, but also enough to feel all of her body underneath mine. Then go back to kissing her.

"We should stop now before I loose control over myself," I whisper against her lips, I then eye the spot where I will mark her. She sees me do this.

"Mark me," she whispers back.

"What?!" I ask unsure of if I heard her correctly.

"I said... Mark. Me." She stares deep into my eyes. I see her start to fidget under my gaze, that's when a full blown grin forms on my face. I smash my lips onto hers, she is at first still but then soon works her mouth against mine. I trail wet kisses across her cheek, down to her jaw then along the side of her neck until I reach the spot where her shoulder meets her neck. When I hit that spot I hear a loud moan fall from Jos lips, making me smirk against her warm skin. I place a light subtle kiss there then I feel my k-nines grow larger, after that I sink my teeth into Jos shoulder. Immediately a surge of protectiveness and pleasure wash through me, but it feels absolutely amazing, like I'm on cloud 9. I hear a pain induced whimper come from Jo that is soon replaced by a pleasure filled moan. I then retract my teeth and lick the spot to clean the blood and seal the mark that make delicious sparks explode within me, I come up to look at Jo to then see her eyes droop in exhaustion.

It's normal for female wolves to sleep after marking so I say, "sleep my beautiful mate, I'll be here when you wake." Like that Jo is out like a light. I scoot down the bed to be leveled with Jo, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her to me falling asleep to the sweet sound of my mates steady breathing. But I can't help but feel like something big is going to happen. Like Jo isn't telling me something.

Jo POV (right before the marking):

Hero hovers above me as we kiss, feeling his body pressed against mine feels like absolute heaven. I have greatly missed my wonderful mate in this past year, but it was necessary for us to be apart. No matter how much it hurt it had to be done, but this pain doesn't even compare to the pain that Hero will soon face.

There is one more step to me becoming the new Moon Goddess that I have not told Hero about, and to be honest I am terrified to tell him. He is going to hate it, as will I. But it has to be done. For now though, I will enjoy the euphoric time that I am spending with my mate.

Hero pulls back, "we should stop now before I loose control over myself." He tells me with a tense body. I mentally smirk as I see him eye the spot where his gorgeous mark will be placed.

"Mark me," I whisper to him using his same volume.

"What?!" He asks clearly stunned by my statement.

"I said... Mark. Me." I stare deep into his eyes until his gaze makes me a little bit unsure of myself, he takes quick notice to this. He then smashes his soft lips to mine, which catches me off guard but I quickly match his movements. He trails lovely kisses down to the place in which he will soon place his mark.

I feel him place a light barely-there kiss, before his k-nines extend and he buries them deep into my skin. Let let out a painful whimper when I feel a sharp burning pain erupt in my neck, but it soon is replaced with the most pleasurable feeling ever that makes me feel like I am floating. I moan out from the amazing feeling. His teeth then leave my skin and he licks the spot, making intense tingles surge through me. I feel my eyes start to droop, "sleep my beautiful mate, I'll be here when you wake." His sexy voice speaks to me.

The last thought in my mind before I drift off is, 'I'm so sorry Hero' as guilt runs through my veins.

Note from author❤️:

Ooh what do you guys think is the last step for Jo to become Moon Goddess?? And how bad do you think it is?

Btw it might hurt your heart so be ware.

But how we feeling about this? I really wanted to get the males POV on the marking process because whenever I read werewolf stories it usually only has the woman's POV of it. But at the same time I wanted Jos POV on it, so I wrote both!

You know you love me xoxo,

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