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I felt like I had to clarify a few things before you start reading, so here:

1. I am really sorry to disapoint all of you, but not me or my writing are JK Rowling (and I fully support LGBT+ people) so just have in mind that this is just for fun purposes and it's her universe and plot, with my personal additions, but all her's.

2. As some of you may know, my first language is not English, and all I know is selfthought or from school, and although I do use a corrector so you don't have to deal with all my mistakes, I may have some, so I am begging you to tell me as soon as you see a mistake so I can learn from it and correct it. Don't hesitate, please.

3. I will try with all of my heart to publish at least once a week, every Saturday or Sunday if I can, but no promises...

4. Feedback and constructive criticism as well as comments are more than appreciated! It's my first time publishing one of these so I'm a bit insecure... Yeah.

Said that: enjoy!

-Emma :)

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