Prologue: Obliviate

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Obliviate /əˈblɪvɪeɪt/
1. used to erase a memory, also known as the Forgetfulness Charm.

August 1977, Ministry Of Magic

Corridor 23, corridor 234.

Regulus Black was walking through a hall of identical corridors full of dark, blue, big spheres, being careful not to touch any of these strange things nor to make any sound. It was a very important mission.

Corridor 235, corridor 236.

He had been told to be careful with not making any sound, because even if it was in the middle of the night, the Ministry Of Magic always had guards to protect things as valuable as the one he was searching.

Corridor 237, corridor 238.

It was nothing personal, really. The Dark Lord, Who Must Not Be Named, wanted a specific prophecy, and he, as one of his best servants, had to go find it. Even if his oh-so-beloved father had told him it was because of that, he knew only someone related in the prophecy had the right to find the sphere, and was somehow curious and scared about knowing his future.

Corridor 238, corridor 239.

There it was.

He knew exactly where it was. He extended his hand and grabbed it. It had to be this one. Blue, bright, mysterious. Just like all the others. Well, he thought, let's see what the future holds for the younger of the Black siblings.

He took a deep breath and looked into the crystal. What he saw was not what he was expecting. He was expecting a voice to say something, maybe some terrifying pictures, but no. All he saw were some quick scenes. Three, to be specific.

In the first one he saw showed two thirteen year old teenagers. The first one had bright red hair and beautiful green eyes one could admire from one mile away, but her face was red in anger and her mouth, which could perfectly show a wonderful, opened, smile, was now curved, reflecting how mad she was. And the person she was mad to? The boy right in front of her. He had black, messy hair and hazel eyes hidden behind his glasses, but he, unlike the girl, was smiling, or better said, smirking shamelessly at the girl's anger.

"You alright, Evans?" He asked with an amused smile.

"What do you think!" She answered shouting, pointing it out as a fact, not a question.

"You are cute when you are angry, you know that, Evans?" He said, and the girl turned even more mad, if that was possible.

"And you are an asshoe when you are yourself, you know that, Potter?" She replied, just to find the boy smirking and looking at her in awe and love, even if she couldn't see it.

The scene vanished and Regulus was still staring at the ball, asking himself what the Merlin had this thing to do with him, or the Dark Lord. But before he could arrive to any conclusion, the sphere started showing him the second scene, which would leave him more confused than before.

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