Chapter 3: Expelliarmus

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Expelliarmus /ɛksˌpɛliˈɑrməs/
1. forces the object the opponent is holding to fly out of their hand. Also known as the Disarming Spell.


"Has any of you guys heard anything about the new DADA teacher?"

"I thought you were the one about gossip, Padfood. Why would you expect any of us to know?"

"I dunno, Moony, but maybe Prongs did. He's Head Boy now, there has to be some privileges for me in that."

"Are you using me, Pads? That's not fair. Besides, I am only partly Head Boy now. Means, I am Head Boy, but I used my power to give myself the privilege of forgetting about it for a while."

"Am I the only one cunfused by Prongs' last statement?"

"Y'know Wormtail, you don't actually have to listen when Prongs talks, you just have to pretend to get it, and eventually he'll shut up with his weird things."

"Hey! That was offensive! Moony, say something to him."

"Hi, Sirius, how are you today?"

"I meant about his behaviour. He just disrespected me! Give him detention for lack of respect to his superiors or some shit like that."

"I am a Prefect, James, but you're the actual Head Boy. Why don't you do that yourself?"

"Because that would make Prongs disrespect me, which would force him to give detention to himself too, which would cause a disrespect made by him to himself, which would end up in a loop of James disrespecting himself and giving himself detention."

"Don't worry, Wormy, you weren't the only one who didn't understand Padfood now."

"Anyways, Pads, I was with a patrol with Mary McDonald yesterday, and she told me she met the new teacher, but I believe she wasn't very pleased with her."

"Did she tell you why?"

"Nope. She just said she didn't like her. Then we found a couple kissing and–"

"You can skip the details, Prongs. So, are you coming to class? It's in five minutes, and the classroom is pretty far."

"Nah, you go yourself, Moony. Me and Prongsie here are gonna trust McDonald, and if she says the teacher's bad, then there's no point in coming to class early, is there?"

"I somehow expected that answer. Wormtail, you're coming with me, right?"

"Of course! Let me just– The cake– Okay, I'm done."

"Bye Moons! Bye Wormy! We'll miss you!"


Lily was sitting next to Marlene, just behind Alice, when Sirius and James finally decided to give the teacher the honour of meeting them.

The woman, who had introduced herself as Dorothea Gorman (Professor Gorman for the students), had seemed really pretty to Lily. She was around thirty years old, and her blonde short hair gave her a pretty modern look, along with her light blue eyes. She had explained to the class that she liked to do both theory and practice classes, so that they'd learn the thing in the first classes of the week, and by the end of the week they'd be able to create the spell or fight against the creature.

Of course, when, after ten minutes of quick introductions, Professor Gorman asked generally who were the owners of the empty seats in the class, Lily already knew what to expect.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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