Chapter 1: Alohomora

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Alohomora  /əˌloʊˈmɔərə/
1. used to open and/or unlock doors closed in a muggle way


Lily had never seen the Hogwarts Express so empty.

Sure, there were students inside the train, but it wasn't that usual chaos of kids jumping in the train on the last moment, families bringing the forgotten things to the students before the train leaves, boys trying to find a seat with someone of their same age, the steam increasing the chaos and making everyone feel like in a fairytale.

It was different now. There were a few students going up and down, leaving their trunks under the seats and eventually just looking through the window waiting for other students to come in. Lily had never seen it like that. Almost every year, she would wait until the last minute to say goodbye to her parents and would be one of the last to get on the train.

There had been only two exceptions.

The first one was in her very first year of school. She didn't know anything, and even if Severus had told her everything he knew, she had to admit she was scared. Now, she remembered how she was sitting by the window, crying in silence for all the things her sister had said to her a minute before. She had accorded with Severus they would meet in this exact compartment, the third at the left. But he wasn't coming. Instead, a raven, messy haired boy had came in. He had said a shy hi and introduced himself as James Potter.

James Fleamont Potter, he had said his name was. And Lily didn't know it at that moment, but that would be the name of the most annoying boy in all Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the following five years. James Potter. The Marauder, the Quidditch Captain, the one that had asked her out every damn hour of every damn day in all five damn years. James bloody Potter. Fortunately, in sixth year he had changed a bit. A bit. A tiny, little bit. He only asked her out on Hogsmeade weekends, so Lily could actually have some time alone. And she had to admit it, not having him pop up every two seconds with a new stupid pickup line for her was a really good thing.

After that, they had both sat in silence waiting for someone to cut off the awkwardness in the compartment. That someone was Sirius Black.

Sirius Orion Black. That handsome, manly and bad boy almost all girls had fallen for. James Potter's best mate. Another Marauder, beater in the Gryffindor Quidditch team, the one you will find every Friday night in a broom closet. Last year, Lily had found out that he wasn't the idiot she thought he was, but she hadn't forgaven him–yet.

Sirius had entered the compartment with a grin on his face, and had easily started a conversation with James about Quidditch, that the eleven year old Lily had followed closely without actually saying anything.

Then, he came in. Severus Snape. Lily's best mate at that moment, a Slytherin wannabe that was maybe too much into the dark arts. But at the moment, he was Lily's only friend, and the boy she would have done everything for.

And there she had it, all in one compartment in her first year, the three boys that would cause her the biggest burdens, all sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express.

The second exception was the one happening in Lily's seventh year, her very last one. Of course, that was very different from the first one. Now, she had her own friends, was confident, and wasn't friends with Severus anymore. And now, she was hoping not to see any of these three boys during the ride.

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