Chapter 2: Flagrate

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1. incantation of a charm that allows one to write or draw in midair with fiery lines. There are many variations of it that allow to write on other things.


James had missed Hogwarts. He had missed the pranks, he had missed the teachers, he had missed the students. Missed the portraits, the never-ending stairs and corridors, the Quidditch field and the hospital wing. He had missed seeing Lily Evans take accurate notes in the front of the class, he had missed the amused glances he and Sirius shared when done an interior joke, missed Remus' sarcastic comments and Peter's always there personality. Hell, he had even missed the boring history classes.

Well, that wasn't exactly true. Mr. Binns' classes were boring as always, and it hadn't cheered James up to be bored again by all the repetitive wars the magic word has faced over history. Sirius and Remus were having a very interesting ship battle game (AN: Is this a thing in the UK? And what do you call it, if it exists?) in the table in front of him, Peter was sleeping next to him and he... he was just doodling on his supposed notes.

He had this habit. Whenever a quill came to his hand, he would start writing things or symbols on the edge of the parchment. He had already drawn the Potter family shield, with all the details, the Chudley Cannons shield, all completed, and the Gryffindor shield too. The truth is, he liked drawing shields, and it was interesting how good he could draw them, when he wasn't able to draw anything else. But he hadn't been drawing shields all his life.

Two years ago, he had never drawn a shield before, instead, he just doodled Lily Evans' initials: L.E. When he realized that trying to make the girl go out with him was only doing her hate him more than she already did, and when he started to come back to reality and knew she would never like him, he decided to move on from her. Or, at least, try it.

And the first step to do it was stopping to put her initials on every parchment he had. But since it seemed impossible to him not to do it, he started to entertain himself drawing the most difficult things he could think of, and those were shields.

Suddenly, interrupting his drawing, a letter in black was magically drawn in his parchment, and took him out of his thoughts. It was an M, and in a very nice handwriting, he had to admit. But what the hell was an M doing in the middle of his notes? He didn't know.

Then, another letter came next to the M. An E. James, confused, looked at his classmates to see if somebody was looking at him or trying to say something to him, but they were all so bored as before. When he looked back at his parchment, another E and T were there.

He stared at the letters, confused. MEET, it said. Then an M came followed by another E and an A. And letters started to show, creating words. Two T, one next to the other, an H, an E, an L and an I. One B, an R, A, R, Y. Next, four numbers were drawn too. Then, it stopped.

James looked over the other students again. Nobody doing a strange movement nor a thing that could make James know it was them who had sent the letter.

Meet me at the library, 17:00, it read.

Well, there was no point in missing a study date, was it?


Although James was curious and wanted to get to the library as soon as possible, he had other things to do first, which he wouldn't miss even if Albus Dumbledore was making a Guns N' Roses performance with the bread dyed pink and a The Little Mermaid dress on down in the great hall.

So, what was that important? Finding Evans to go see their new room, of course.

She was already waiting in front of a portrait, talking with the lady drawn in it. They looked in a very important topic, since none of them seemed to notice him when he arrived where they were. He made a noise and Lily turned to face him.

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