Chapter 5: Messed Up Silver

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Sonic's POV
Silver hasn't been himself lately, every time I spoke to him he blushed and spoke stumbling or messing up his words, ever since I gave him that teddy he had been acting strange. I saw Silver again at the park, just taking a stroll with an ice cream and I decided to talk to him.

Sonic: HEY SILVER!!!
Silver: (dropping a bit of his ice cream) SONIC!! Oh dear!
Sonic: Sorry mate.
Silver: Oh... no, no it's cool.
Sonic: So what'd you doing?
Silver: Well I was eating ice cream and taking a stroll.
Sonic: Nice, so do you want to hang today?
Silver: Oh that would be breat... I mean great!
Sonic: Can I ask you a question.
Silver: Sure!
Sonic: Ever since I got you that teddy from the festival, I think you've been acting strange... why?
Silver: Is it that obvious?
Sonic: Well... yeah.
Silver: Well... umm... I
Sonic: I don't care how crazy it is, just tell me.
Silver: I...I.. can't.
Sonic: What.
Silver: I can't tell you, (starts crying) my thoughts are all over the place and I can't tell you why.
Sonic: Don't cry Silver, you don't have to tell me anything.

Silver cheered up and wiped his tears, he smiled and changed the topic.

Silver: You know those dolls that Ray gave us a few weeks back.
Sonic: Yeah.. what's wrong?
Silver: I think it's a bit creepy.
Sonic: Why do you think that, Ray was only gifting us.
Silver: I know but, doesn't it seem off that Ray just suddenly starts sewing even though he never does.
Sonic: He was testing out his skills, Silver stop worrying, nothing bad is going to happen!

Silver was silent for a while, I don't think Silver likes his doll, I get he wasn't trying to be rude... but he was being rude.

Silver: I... I have to go.
Sonic: Ok, I'll see you later!

Silver walked off and I watched as he walked off into the distance. Silver really is messed up, he won't tell me what's wrong with him or anything. Later on that same day I ran into Knuckles who was eating a chili dog next to the master emerald.

Sonic: Hey Knuckx!!
Knuckles: Hey Sonic.
Sonic: Can I ask you a very strange question.
Knuckles: Sure.
Sonic: I'm not sure if you know but, Silver has been acting weird around me and fine around everyone else, why is that?

Knuckles was silent, he lifted is head up before answering.

Knuckles: You promise not to tell anyone and you promise to act normal around Silver... he told me to keep it a secret.
Sonic: I promise!
Knuckles: (whispering) Silver has a... crush on you.

I was SHOCKED!! This is why Silver had been acting weird, this is why he was not talking properly... that little goofball.

Sonic: Knuckx why didn't you say something sooner.
Knuckles: I was meant to keep it a secret.
Sonic: He should of told me!
Knuckles: Why?
Sonic: Well the truth is... (whispering) I like him too.

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