Chapter 6: Dolls Or No Dolls

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Silver's POV
THIS IS TERRIBLE!!! I found out that Mighty had disappeared from his house, he hasn't come back in days... I was worried! I called everyone over and told them what I found out, everyone was shocked.

Silver: I don't know!
Knuckles: This is strange, he was here on Wednesday and then pooff his gone.
Sonic: Well we better find our buddy!
Ray: Yeah... yeah.
Tails: I'll search through the computers and everyone else search the area!

We did what Tails said, I had some theory that Ray kidnapped Mighty... but I couldn't prove anything. I found Knuckles and told him my theory.

Knuckles: To be honest, I think the same theory.
Silver: You do?
Knuckles: Yeah, I also think it has something to do with the dolls he gave us right from the very beginning.
Silver: If Ray and the dolls have some connection then we need to find out now!
Tails: (though watch) GUYS!!!

I rush over to Tails who was a forces base, the same base we used during the war. Tails had a red dot on a map, he pointed to it before saying something.

Tails: That's where Mighty is!
Amy: Great! Let's go!
Knuckles: Hold on! I think just me and Silver should get him.
Amy: Why?
Knuckles: Just because.
Amy: But...
Silver: Amy, please!
Amy: Ok.

We left the room and headed for Mighty's location. The map took us to an old Eggman base with boxes everywhere, we walked in and it was completely dark. I used my telekinesis powers to give some light.

Knuckles: Something feels terribly fishy here.
Silver: Let's find some lights, I can't hold this power for long!

We walked around for a bit until finding some lights, Knuckles turned them on and I realised my power. We were shocked to see many boxes but also sewing machines everywhere.

Knuckles: Who would keep all of these sewing machines here?
Silver: Ray would... if he was controlled by something.
??: HELP ME!!
Knuckles: Who said that?
Silver: It's coming from over there!

We ran over to a small room and we were even more shocked as we saw potions, spells and books everywhere on tables... but then seeing Mighty trapped in a cage.

Knuckles: MIGHTY!!
Mighty: Guys, I'm so glad your here!
Silver: How did you end up here?
Mighty: It's Ray, he was controlled by something... in fact an evil ghost was controlling him!
Silver: I KNEW IT!!
Knuckles: Tell us more.
Mighty: He captured me so you guys can come here to rescue me... so he can take control of the others using the dolls that he gave us.
Knuckles: WHAT!!
Mighty: Those dolls had a magic spell on them, if the dolls eyes looked at you at night then I would slowly start to control you.
Silver: Luckily I turned me dolls around.. it's eyes were creepy.
Knuckles: I... umm...
Silver: Knuckles?
Knuckles: I didn't turn my doll around.
Mighty: Oh no.. hurry get me out before he controls you!

Knuckles managed to break the cage and free Mighty. Knuckles pushed me and Mighty forward.

Knuckles: GO, GET OUT OF HERE!!
Mighty: What about you?
Knuckles: If I come with you, I'll put you in danger... JUST GO!!

We ran out of the base and back to the others, we tried to be as quick as we could, but by the time we got back... It was TOO LATE!!

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