Chapter 9: The Bad Ending

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Sonic's POV
I woke up to see ash in the sky, I don't remember what happened after Silver and Knuckles ran off to find Mighty. I sat up and saw Mighty staring down at me, he looked worried and sad at the same time.

Sonic: Where am I?
Mighty: Your at the festival we went to the other day.
Sonic: Why are we...
Mighty: Ray was corrupted by some evil ghost and he controlled you.
Sonic: Oh... where are the others?
Mighty: Their there!

I looked over to see everyone frantically looking over the horizon, I got up and walked over, I noticed that Ray and Silver were not up here with us.

Sonic: Where's Silver and Ray?
Amy: Down there somewhere.
Mighty: I don't even know if they survived, the explosion was big.
Knuckles: When Mighty brought us up here Silver took care of Ray... I can't see them at all.
Tails: We have to...
??: Guys!!

I looked down and saw Ray all beaten up but standing, he was waving his arms signalling everyone where he was. We all ran down there.

Mighty: (hugging Ray) RAY, YOUR ALIVE!!
Ray: I am, but I don't know what happened here... wasn't this the festival?
Amy: What's left of it... yeah.
Blaze: Have you seen Silver?
Ray: No I haven't, is he ok?
Sonic: We don't know... we haven't seen him yet.
Knuckles: Since we're here, we can search for him.

We all split up and searched for Silver, I was getting worried, no one has seen him yet. Until...

Tails: GUYS!!! COME QUICK!!!
Sonic: What is it bud?
Tails: It's Silver!

I saw Silver lying on many broken material, he looked like he was dying, he didn't have long left, people started crying because they knew that he wasn't going to last.

Silver: S...Sonic.
Sonic: Silver!
Silver: I...
Sonic: (starting to cry) Don't speak, save you strength!
Silver: You... are the...greatest friend I've ever... had.
Sonic: Please Silver!! STOP!
Silver: I... need to tell you... something.
Sonic: What is it buddy?
Silver: Come...

I leaned closer, tears started rolling down my cheeks, I was watching my friend die and in my arms too.

Silver: (whispering) I... love you Sonic.
Sonic: I LOVE YOU TOO!!! *sobbing*

Silver kissed me on the cheek and then his lip slid down, his whole body was lifeless now.. he's dead. I started crying even more, everyone else around me started crying too. I hugged him tight, then two random ghost wearing black hoods came over.

Ghost 1: Let us take him.
Sonic: NO!!
Ghost 2: Trust us. We'll take care of him.

I let the ghosts take him and all three of them disappeared, I wouldn't stop crying.

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