Leaf's visit+Mad Miko=Bad

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Alright ill make the story Kabuto x Miko since no one will tell me who to pair Miko up with
Miko is 19,Kabuto 19,Sakura 18 (1 month younger than Miko)
I saw dad was mad so i hid behind Kabuto
"I was drunk! i didn't know what i was doing!!" i yelled behind Kabuto
"YOU MARRIED!!!"  dad yelled
"So what I'm 19 and Sakura is only a month younger than me!! and beside it was not a real wedding god damn it dad!!" i yelled,dad sighed "You not mad daddy?" i asked looking at him with my puppy dog eyes and he gave in
"I cant be mad at you for to long and you know that don't you?" Dad asked with a smile i giggled and hugged him
"Yup!" as soon as i said that there was a knock on the door "I'll get iiiiit" i sang and skipped to the door,when i opened the door my mood fell
"Sak........wait..........Miko?" Naruto asked confused
"Not its a ghost! what do you want!" I yelled at them
"We came to bring you and Sakura back to the Leaf" Sasuke said
"Sakura and i will not go back to the leaf you broke her and here we finally managed to make her smile again!!" i yelled and shut the door in their faces and stormed to my room
"What was that all about" Kabuto asked
"I don't know,ill go check who's at the door" Sakura said and went to the door,when she opened it her face darkened "Now i see why Miko-chan was so mad" Sakura said
"Sakura..........Why do you have black hair and Miko has pink?" Kakashi asked
"None of your business now leave no one here wishes to see you" Sakura said coldly
"You 2 are coming with us like it or not" Sasuke said grabbing Sakura's wrist
"Wrong move Uchiha brat" i said and punched him in the face,i bit my thumb and did hand singes "Summoning jutsu!" i yelled and a pack of 10 wolf's appeared
"How may we help you Lady Miko?" Fang the leader asked my eyes were glowing
"Boy's this wolf's are the elite squad of cold blooded killers's so if you don't want me to order them to chase you until they kill every single one of you i suggest you leave us the hell alone!!!" I yelled and soon everyone came out of the mansion
"Heh the kid summoned her ANBU wolf's" Kisame smiled and than smacked his hand over his mouth
"So what you and Sakura were ANBU captians whats a big deal!?" Sasori yelled,i twitched
"Ula(fem),Lyall(fem),Aiyana(fem),Akira(fem),Saphira(fem),Aatu(male),Lycaon(male),Fang(male),Ulfric(male),Zeff(male) please be so kind and go hurt Kisame and Sasori okay?" i asked my wolf pack sweetly they nobed and chased Kisame and Sasori then i turned to face Kakashi,Sasuke and Naruto with a face saying get-ready-to-meet-your-makers and i attacked them after 10 minutes they were critically injured "Think again before going after me and Sakura again" i said darkly and the 3 idiots fainted,i got everyone back inside the mansion

Ula means: Wolf Power
Lyall means: Shield Wolf
Aiyana means: Forever or Flowering
Saphira means: Precious stone "Sapphire"
Aatu means: Noble Wolf
Lycaon means: Wolf,In mythology this is the name of an early king of Arkadia
Fang means: nothing Kiba means Fang so nothing
Ulfric means: Wolf Power
Zeff means: Wolf

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