Surprise for Gaara

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~~Mikos pov~~
I woke up around 4 AM,got out of bed,teleported to sound killed all akatsuki exept Itacki and Kisame,killed Konan because she told me she wanted to be with Pain and that she understands why i killed him,got back home at 6 and started making breakfest.Everyone woke up because of the sweet smell of food,Gaara was the first one to come down and showed me the note in his hand.
" 'Making breakfest no need to worry' why?" Gaara asked
"So you wouldn't jump and call all the ANBU's to go get me" i answered,Sakura,Temari and Kankuro walked down there mouth droped
"Why did you cook so much!!??" The 3 of them yelled,Gaara swetdroped i shruged
"Go eat ill be right there i need to go change my clothes" i said as i untied my apron,hung it up and went to change,when i was done i went back down and went to the oven and took out 3 cake layers than finished making the cake (reason for cake? IN THE STORY TODAY IS GAARAS BDAY YAAAAAY!!!),put it in the back of the fridge and joined the others for the breakfest.When we were done i put my cat mask on and followed Gaara to his office on our way there a girl ran to my side
"Cat-sama can you play with me??" Sky pleaded,i looked at Gaara to see it he would let me altho i was hoping he wouldn't,he chukled and nobed,i was draged of by Sky to who knows where i didnt pay atention.We were in a park and Sky was playing with my hair i was sitting cros legged,my chin in my palm and i sighed,i tensed as i felt Gaaras chakra flare up.I grabed Sky's hand and teleported in Gaara's office puting Sky behind Gaara and me standing in front of him getting stabed in sted of Gaara with a posioned sword
"Cat!" Gaara yelled
"Cat onee-sama!!!" Sky yelled and ran to me and pulled my arm "Are you ok!?" i sighed and pushed Sky  in Gaara's arms and i wispered in his ear 
"Get her out of here,she doesent need to see this" Gaara nobed and  jumped out of the window yelling out 'be cearfull' i chukled and let Jubi's chakra out since mine was still low from the fight this morning and yesterday's and i started walking towards them.
~~To Gaara and Sky,~~Gaara's pov
"But Gaara-sama i cant leave Cat onee-chan alone!!" Sky whined trying to get out of my grip
"Cat can take care of her self Sky,you need to trust her" i said,my eyes widened when i felt Jubi's chakra
'Damn it Shukaku tell me she isnt..' i said
'Sorry kid,shes using Jubi's chakra remember shes still low since yesterday + the posion is strong so even if she had her she would need to use Jubi's so she could use that rose of here's' Shukaku answered
'Damn it!' 
"Gaara-sama is something wrong?"Sky asked
"No its fine Sky,dont worry Cat is the strongest shinobi we have.She even surpased all the ANBU's" i said
"Cat onee-sama is so cool,i wish i could be like her!" Sky squealed,than Cat apeared next to us drenched in blood "Cat onee-chan! we need to get you to the hospital!!" Sky yelled Cat shook her head and pointed to where hew wound used to be
"Hmm so you did use it huh?" i asked Cat nobed
"Used what?" Sky asked
"Rose recovery,its a special jutsu that can destroy any posion,virus or drug in her or someone elses blood system" i answered "But it takes alot of chakra" i added and then Cat fell on me
"Im tireeeed" Cat whined Sky and i chukled
 "Alright it is time to go home anyway,bye Sky" i said as i picked Cat up and started walking back to the Kazekage tower
"Bye Gaara-sama bye Cat onee-chan!!" Sky waved,Cat waved back and Sky ran to her home
"Youre so stupid Miko,what if the seal broke?" i asked 
"You worry to much Gaara-chan" Miko giggled,took her mack of,put it in her weapon pouch and kissed me i blushed she chukled.We got to the door of our room thats a size of a house,i opened the door Miko tightened her grip on me,i turned on the light and everyone jumped out of their hiding spot and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAARA!!!" my arms droped to my side making Miko's feet hit the floor hard witch caused her to wince 
"Ah s-sorry Miko" i said
"Nah its ok Gaara dont worry ill go change,happy birthday" she said and started to walk away,i grabed her hand
"Wait you knew?" i asked
"No she planed it" Temari said,Miko sighed
"I told you not to tell him Tem" Miko said annoyed
"Sorry but you 2 look so cute together!!" Temari started to jump up and down making Miko and me swetdrop and blush,i let go of Mikos hand and she warned Temari abouth something and went to her room to get canged
~~Miko's pov~~
"Damn they hit the vital spot" i cursed and started untieing the bandage when Temari walked in and saw my vound
"Miko!" Temari yelled and ran to my side "Your bleeding!"
"No shit Sherlock" i said and started healing the wound but only managed to stop the bleeding "Damn its to deep,im gona need help with this" i groweled "Help me put the bandage's on Tem" i said
"But we need to take you to the hospital!!!" Temari yelled
"After i do what i planed on doing!" i snaped at her,she flinched but nobed after 5 min we walked back down
"There you are i was starting to get worried" Gaara said i chukled
"Im not a baby Gaara-chan" i said and gave him the present i was holding behind my back,he took it and looked at me confused i sighed "Open it dummy!" i yelled at him like a 5 year old he chukled and opened it,his eyes widened
"This is......" Gara said
"Yeah when the 4 of us went to the festival in Konoha,i remember how much you had fun" i blushed,he huged me
"Thanks Miko,your the best" he smiled i blushed more from embarrassment,everyone in the room laughed
"I hate you all!!" i yelled ad hid my face in a pillow and they laughed even more 
"Awwww come on dont be like that were just teasing Miko" Gaara laughed
"I shall kill you all!" i said and started chaseing everyone,they all scatered i closed my eyes "Ok theres 10 of them Sakura,Naruto,Hinata,Lee,Neji,Tenten,Ino,Temari,Kankuro and Matsuri but wheres Gaara?" i asked out loud
"Behind you~" Gaara said and cought me
"No fair Gaara!! let me go!" i pouted he chukled and everyone laughed i sighed than felt light headed 'Guess time for fun is over all ready' i sighed "Nee Gaara i need to tell you something" i blushed
"What is it?" Gaara asked as he let go of me,i turned around and wispered in Gaara's ear
"I love you more than you'll ever know" i smiled he smirked 'oh god no,not that smirk
"I love you too....kitty" he wispered in my ear 
"So what if i did?" Gaara asked
"Than i do this" i pulled his ear
"You 2 act like an old married couple!" Naruto laughed along with everyone else so i hit them all and walked to the kitchen and took the cake out and put it on a table in the liveing room,i draged Sakura and Temari out of the croud
"Temari Sakura we need to go to the" i whinced
"What? why?" Sakura asked 
"Ill explain on the way" so the 3 of us headed to the hospital and i explained to Sakura what happened,when we arriwed i told Temari to go get Elder Chiyo.I was in a hospital bed when Elder Chiyo arived,i had my mask on since the Elders didnt know who Cat realy is
"As reckless as ever eh Cat?" Elder Chiyo chukled i sighed,than Chiyo,Sakura and i started healing my wound "My,my you realy did it this time young lady youre lucky to even be alive!" Elder chiyo hit the back of my head
"Tell her i said its my job to protect the kazekage even if it meant i die" i wispered to Sakura she nobed
"Elder Chiyo Cat said its her job to protect the kazekage even if it means she dies"Sakura said Elder chiyo sighed
"You always did put other's  need's above your own,you need to learn to be a litle selfish my dear" Elder Chiyo said than Temari came in with a pissed off Gaara i gluped
"Sorry kid i cant help you with him" Jubi said

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