Romance with Gaara + Shukaku x Jubi

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I forgot to say i canged my mind on the pairing with Miko,in stead of Kabuto Gaara will be her boyfriend I'm so evil MUAHAHAHAHAHA *cough* *cough**cough* *cough*  damn it,anyway enjoy!
When i woke up i went to Gaaras office annoying him to walk with me around the village since he spends all of his time in there.
"Seee? fresh air good being in office all day bad" i said smiling at him,he chukled and pated my head "Gaara-chan in not a kid~~ and besides I'm older than you~~" i pouted
"Only by 3 days" he chuckled i crossed my arms over my chest and turned my back on him,he smiled and shook his head.Out of no where 5 kunai were thrown my way only to get stooped by the fire wall that protected me cause 10 tail's was sealed in me by the 3rd hokage when i was born (Oreo still lived in Leaf at that time,he had to go on a long mission and left Miko with the hokage that's when the hokage sealed jubi in Miko,SO just imagine jubi as grey female kyuubi with 10 tail's ok? thx!!)
"BAD 10 TAIL YOU COULD HURT SOMEONE!" i yelled at my stomach and swetdroped when i realized i said it out laud "oops"
"The 10 tail's is sealed inside you?" Gaara asked
"Uhhhh no?" i said,Gaara sighed
"Does anyone else know this?" he asked
"Sakura,dady and Kabuto and now you"
"I cant belive you cept hi-" Gaara was saying until i cut him of
"Jubi is a female Gaara-chan" i said and he blushed from embarrassment i giggled
"That explains why Shukaku is always happy when you are near" Gaara said my jaw dropped
".............SHUKAKU LIKES JUBI!!!!???" i yelled shocked,Gaara winced from my loud tone and nobed " go back i need to talk with jubi about this" i said and we headed back totally ignoring the ppl that attacked us.When we were back i sat on by bed
"the hell jubi!? why didn't you tell me shukaku has a crush on you!?" i yelled
"Hmph like you care" Jubi said
"I DO care you idiot you're by bff!!" i said hugging her
"Y-you never showed you cared about me before" she said
"Well i do,so what do you do when Shukaku is with you?" i ask
"I push him away but he keeps flirting with me" Jubi said blushing
"Naaaaaaaaaaaaaawww my little baby is in looovvvveee~" i sang 
"S-shut up!! w-what about you and Gaara huh!?" she yelled my face turned blank
"What about me and him?" i asked
"You love him to!" she yelled
".............................................................whats love?" i asked her she slammed her face in the ground 15 times ".......ow" i said
"IDIOT HOW DUMB ARE YOU!?" she yelled
"EEEEYYY don't blame me i kept my feeling locked up for uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 13 yeares!!" i yelled back and so she explained me what's love and what ppl in love do,my...................face..............was..............on...........FIRE!!! XD
"Stupid judi ill never talk with her again" i mumbled and went to Temari's room
"Ah Miko! why is your face red?"
"I-i-i t-think i l-love G-gaara" i said she squealed and hugged me jumping up and down
"That's great news!! i always wanted a sister!!" She squalled again
"Hey"Kankuro said from the doorway "What do you mean by sister?" he added,Tem opened her mouth to speak but i covered her mouth
"N-nothing g-go away Kankuro" i said he raised an eyebrow
"Miko why are you stuttering,you NEVER stutter" Kankuro asked Temari squealed.........again -_-'
"Miko loves Gaara!!!!!" she yelled my aura turned pitch black
"Jubi.....lets kill her" i said to jubi
"Yaaay finally some fun!" she yelled
"Hehehehe" i giggled evily she squealed and ran away with me hot on her trail.
"Miko loves Gaara!!!!!" Temari yelled my face turned bright red considering that i was in a meeting,all of a sudden Temari and Miko run in
"Come here i promise i wont hurt you....ILL KILL YOU!!!" Miko yelled at Temari who was hiding behind me
"No thanks I'm good!" Temari yelled and ran out 
"COME BACK HERE!!!!!! ILL RIP YOU INTO TINY LITLE PICES!!!" Miko yelled, as she was about to run after Temari i grabbed her wrist and put her in my lap until she calms down "let me goo i wanna kill her" she said
"I'm afraid i cant do that" i said 
"why not?" she asked
"Cause she's my sister and i promised to protect her" i said,Miko let out a low growl which scared the elders and than she calmed down
"Can you let go of me now?" she asked
"No" i said
"Why?" she asked
"Cause you will try and kill her if i do" i said
"No i wont" she said
"Liar,i don't believe you" i said she growled and stayed still until the meeting was over and when i let her go she went to her room to sleep cause it was pitch black outside one sentence was spinning in my head "Miko loves Gaara!!!!!" i chuckled at the tough and whispered "I love you too Miko"

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