The kiss and Gaara's bodyguard

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~~MIKO'S POV!!!~~
I told dad i was at my friends place and that ill be there for few days,it was dark outside Gaara was on the roof of the kage tower when i saw him fly of on his sand so i followed him.When i saw Deidara send one of his clay bombs at Gaara i jumped and pushed Gaara out of the way tnx to his sand we didn't hit the ground but i was on top of him my face crimson red
"S-sorry" i said as i got of off him helping him up
"I-its fine d-don't worry abouth it" Gaara said blushing
"Ok i know this is a bad time but......YOUR JUST SO DAMN CUUTE!!" i said hugging him tightly making him blush more,Deidara cleaned his troth moving my attention to him and my aura turns pitch black "Whats the big idea bird brain?"
"L-leader-sama told me to get him" Deidara said scared
"Well tell Pain he can go to f-" i was about to curs when Gaara put his hand on my mouth
"You said you wont say that word anymore" Gaara said i puled his hand of my mouth
"Meh blame my dad for teaching it to me" i smiled at Gaara "Oh and Deidara you or anyone else from Akatsuki comes after Gaara and Sunegakure i swear on my life i will KILL you got it?" i said a voice that could kill
"Y-yes ma'am" he said and disappeared i turned around to face Gaara but ended up tripping my self,falling on him and kissing him *snap* i was amused so i parted from him not blushing at all
"Did you know you taste like cookies?" i asked confused while Gaara was blushing like a mad man "Nevermind ill go kill Temari now" i said getting of off him
"Why?" Gaara asked
"She took a picture of me kissing you and shes gona show it to Sakura and Kankuro and knowing them they wont let us hear the end of it" i explaned
"Why don't you just take the camera away?" he asked
"Cause it's not fun" i answered,he sighed and we started heading back to the mansion.When we arrived Temari was about to show Sakura the picture i used mini fire ball and melted the camera
"I said take it away not burn it in my sister's hand Miko" Gaara said
"Whatevs Gaara-chan,ill go do the paperwork" i said and went to Gaaras office,after some time Gaara come to his office and saw me sitting up side down on the couch doing his paperwork
"Miko you did more than half of my paperwork again" Gaara grumbled
"Ah gomene Gaara-chan i didnt pay attention to it" i said smiling at him he sighed
"If you continue like this you'll make me lazy" Gaara said
"Than give me a job that wont make me make you lazy" i said shrugging
"Hmmmmmmmmmm how about being my personal bodyguard?" Gaara suggested my eyes sparkled
"Dose it mean i can kill someone if they try to hurt you?" i ask he nobs "YAAAY I'M IN THANKS!!" i said jumping and kissing him on the lips "Mmmm you still taste like cookies" i giggled and ran down telling Temari,Sakura and Kankuro the good news

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