Training Days: Part 1

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At the Tsukumo Residence:

It have been at least a day after Yuma, Sakura, Astral and Anubis have the duel with the Number hunter, Kite.

Both Yuma and Astral was sitting on Yuma bed in his bedroom, reflecting on the duel. Yuma have his eyes close, he couldn't help but think about how close he was to losing his soul and his Number cards, whilst Astral would fade away out of existence. If Sakura and Anubis would have suffer the same fate as him and Astral. Meanwhile Astral have the same thought and feelings, blaming himself for the duel

Yuma began to snore off, only for him to slumped over, to which make him open his eyes, fully awake. Only for him to stand on his feet, as he quickly fall face first onto the wooden floor

"Totally meant to do that" Yuma said as he sheepishly laugh at his actions, only for him to look over as he saw Astral, sitting alone, brooding

"You know, something needs to seriously change here, Astral? You spent the last couple of days staring at walls and making bummer comments" Yuma said as he cross both of his arms as Astral just stared down with his eyes close

"I cannot help it," Astral repiled as he finally opened his eyes

"Huh? Listen, you gotta get it together! Avoiding that guy, Kite, isn't a option....! He's gonna come for us eventually, and when he does, we need to be ready!" Yuma began to rant

"But if we are not....and we lose....?"

"You're supposed to be the one giving me, big inspiring speeches. You can't be sitting around....!" Yuma was cut off from his rant as the door to his bedroom open as he turn around to see Tori, Bronk and Sakura standing in the doorway

"Hey" Tori greeted as the trio walk into the room

"Huh? Hey guys, what up?" Yuma asked as he wonder why his friends was over at his house in the first place.

"Take a look" Bronk said as he handed Yuma duel disk over to him as Yuma sat on his bed. It display a giant red heart shaped ruby, crowned with the word WDC as it was seen on top of a globe that was orbited by two lines of duel cards that was forming a X

"World Duel Carnival?" Yuma asked, as he read the advert on his disk

"Yeah. It's like a big tournament or something. They're gonna be hosting the whole thing in Heartland and like these incredible duelists from all over the places we never heard of, are gonna be there!" Bronk exclaimed excitedly at the news, whilst Yuma kept his gaze toward the floor, to which Tori, Bronk and Sakura look worried at Yuma

Sakura know that he wasn't feeling like himself since the duel with Kite and how Yuma blame himself for nearly losing the duel, his soul and Number cards and most important thing of them all - Astral

"What wrong? You don't seem psyched" Bronk asked, but Yuma didn't answer him back. Yuto materialize at the side of Sakura ,before he decided to float over to where Astral sat as he nuzzle his nose into Astral hair. Sakura walk over to were Yuma is, kneeling down in front of him as she place a hand on his knee, making him look at her

"It okay if you don't feel happy or excited about the tournament. You're going through a lot right now. From what I heard, this tournament maybe your chance to become a champion and one step closer to becoming the duelist that you always wanted to be" Sakura said as she only get a small sad smile of him

"Thanks" He repiled to her, unaware that Tori and Bronk let out a small sigh. They both thought Sakura was going to threatened and track down the person who did this to Yuma

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