Chapter 8.

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So please pay attention.

I recently deleted like half this book because I just jumped way too into it.

I did not have any motivation to continue where I left off before so I'm restarting it just before the time skip. They're still in high school.

If you just got here and you don't know anything about the time skip, pay no attention to this note

(3rd Person)

The next day, Mineta hadn't showed up.

Mina smiled at that when the police officers had showed up for the school, asking everyone questions.

"So I heard Mineta disappeared, you think anyone's gonna miss him?" Sero asked as he sat down by Denki.

"No." Was all the girl said as she took out her mirror, fixing her eyeliner.

"I guess I would, it's gonna be different not having him around." Denki had mumbled as he leaned into the other's touch. Bakugou and Midoriya walked in.

Midoriya looked happier than usual as he sat in his seat and took out his phone.

From across the room, Todoroki looked down at his and smiled, catching Mina's attention.

"Shouto!" She screamed under her breath as she walked over, her two other friends following close behind.


"You're smiling!" She beamed.

"Oh, sorry. Midoriya's just texting me."

"YOU GOT HIS NUMBER??" Denki had yelled as he took the other's phone, looking through the messages.


Bakugou turned around immediately, glaring at Midoriya as he whispered, "You better not be catching feelings, you know what happened last time with that girl, do you really see yourself killing that rich kid?"

Midoriya looked up, his smile dropping. "I don't see myself killing him, I see myself with him."

Bakugou stared at him in shock as glanced over at Kirishima.

"That's not what you told me was allowed."

Midoriya smiled as he rested his head against the palm of his hand. "You're more than welcome to start dating Kirishima-Kun, Kacchan."

Bakugou glared this time just as the teacher walked in.

"Alright, listen up--"


The end of the day was normal.

Actually, no it wasn't. Just before Midoriya drove off, Bakugou realized he had forgot his notebook.

Telling Midoriya to wait, he hurried inside to grab it before he heard voices coming from inside the classroom.

"Yeah, I don't think so. I'll just give it back to him when he comes to school tomorrow."

"I don't know, Kiri. What if he doesn't show up and you lose your chance?" A female voice was heard.

"Yeah, a bunch of kids from the school started going missing. I wouldn't be surprised if Bakugou and Midoriya don't show up."

"Don't say that!" Kirishima had screamed before a loud thud was heard. Bakugou opened the door and the group of friends looked over at him.

"I left my fucking book in here." Was what the blonde said as he walked over to them. "You extras have it?"

Kirishima stood up from where he laid on the ground. "Yup!"

He smiled and Bakugou scowled. Just as he was about to take it, he stopped when he realized Denki was eyeing him suspiciously.

"Actually, you can have it."

"What? Isn't it for school?" Kirishima asked, shocked. "You need your notes!"

"Nope." Bakugou smirked as turned to walk out of the classroom. "Just a book I write my thoughts in." Just before he walked out the door, he eyed Kaminari. "Or my plans."

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