Chapter 1

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You were running over rooftops as fast as you could, jumping over the gaps with high and long jumps, making sure you wouldn't fall down over 30 meter.

On the ground you could see people running away from something unknown to you, that being the reason you were running forwards towards it, curious as you were.

When you came as close as you possibly could, without getting spotted you stopped and listened for a while to the faint voices, which you assumed came from the people causing all the chaos, though you could barely hear them because of all the screaming and footsteps coming from the people running away.
But the fact that you were far away and in rain didn't really help either.

You carefully, yet quickly climbed down the high building. As you were at stable ground again you quickly made your way closer, the more forward you got the clearer you could hear the voices.

You stopped at the closest building possible to the chaos, which seemed to be pretty much untouched. You had your head slightly around the corner to see what was going on, and it wasn't the prettiest sight to exist.

You saw a team of people, the people causing all of this, surrounded by multiple dead people. Way more bodies than you could even count.

"We're being watched", a male voice.

You quickly dragged yourself further away from the corner of the building and started panicking, did they see you? No, no they couldn't have, none of them even looked towards you. Even though you very really strong you knew you wouldn't have a chance against any of them. Especially not all at once, which could happen.

"Of course we are, we're in the middle of the street killing people and causing chaos, dumbass", a second male voice.

Of course, there's more people there than you, your anxiety got the best of you so you didn't even think that far. 'Who's the real dumbass here?', you thought sighing. You calmed down after hearing what he said, but you still kept your guard up in case he actually did mean you. You were also ready to get the hell out of there if needed to.

"I know that, but I sense one person in particular."

Did he mean you? You started to panic again, you didn't know what to do, but you tried to keep your calm. It was one of the best of things you could do at the moment. Cause you knew if they could sense you, they would most likely be able to tell, if not even hear, if you were to run away from your small hiding place.

"Just forget it! If they were strong they would be fighting you already!"

"Will you two knock it off!", a new voice, a woman's voice to be exact.

A 'tch'-ing sound could be heard from the first two males.

You stayed in your current position for a while til you you felt like you could walk to the corner of the building again, though you didn't dare trying to look at them again, it'd be far to risky. But you could quite clearly hear them talk.

"Our work is done here, boss will be more than happy with this crap", a female's voice, a new one.

"We could've made it worse if Uvogin was here", a new male voice yet again.

A Feitan x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now