Chapter 5

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(E/C) = Your eye color


You did as he told you to; you walked inside. The room was a slight bit brighter than the rest of the place had been, after looking a round a small bit you saw that the light came from a small fireplace in the wall. You hadn't seen any light coming from the room when the man, who you still didn't know the name of, had opened the door the first time, so you assumed he had started the fire while he let you stay on the other side of the door. Actually walking into the warmer room you'd realized how cold it had been, it felt quite comforting feeling warmth once again on your colder skin.

Though that comfort didn't last long.

Looking around a tad bit more you could see multiple different tools, some you recognized like swords and knifes of certain types and even some guns, and some you haven't even seen before nor did you know how to describe them, but damn did they look dangerous. You didn't want to think about what they could, and most likely had been, used for. Yet you still looked unfazed, showing no reaction -no fear, no weakness- what so ever.

"What does a gremlin like you do with these kinda stuff?" you said, monotone voice matching his in a desperate desire to seem uncaring about the current situation. He quickly found eye contact with you from the chair sitting by the open fire, his eyes glaring into your soul with it's unnatural beautiful color. 

"What did you call me?" he asked slowly, word by word, his voice dripping with irritation giving you a uneasy feeling. Not that you let it show.

"Gremlin." you said, not as monotone as before, rather mockingly to tell the truth. A small smirk to top it off with as well. The short, dark clothed man still looked into your (E/C) colored pools, the pools which was now filled with confidence and a bit of playfulness, this being the last drop for him. He quickly, too quickly for you to even react, got up and off his wooden chair only to run right toward you. In less than just two seconds you were pinned to the cold stone wall by the neck, the slightly taller man looked down at you, one out of his two quite small hands around your thin neck while his other hand being unimportant at the moment.

His grip was tight, not tight enough to actually choke you, but tight enough to make it harder than it should to get air in and out of your lungs. You weren't going to put up an unfazed act or anything now, this up close he was scary to say the least, despite being just about three centimeters taller than you. So how much you wanted to, you couldn't even try to put up anything, so you just let your true emotions show.

"Look at me." his usually monotone voice you'd heard before was now for the first time truly filled with something new, thought that wasn't necessarily a good thing. His voice was full of anger, not just annoyance or irritation but actual anger. You slowly gulped and looked him in the eyes, letting him see the bright fear in yours.

You couldn't see it, but you could tell it, he had a smirk under his mask. 

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