Chapter 2

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They started to walk away, luckily not towards you but the opposite way. Relief fell over your body as you heard their footsteps get further and further away from you. Though you had a feeling that you should follow them, but you knew that was a bad idea. Yet you still did it, but you were really far behind them, hiding in the shadows with your all black clothing.

After creeping behind them for a good 40 minutes, listening to their conversations, they came to a bigger building. You stopped quite a bit away as you carefully watched them go into the worn-out looking building.

You stayed out there in your little hiding spot trying to figure out a good plan to get inside without getting noticed by the troupe. Sooner or later you realized that the best thing to do would be til nighttime, when they would be asleep, or til all of them had gotten out of the building again. Though you chose the first of your options. You didn't know how many of them there actually was, for all you knew the people you followed here wasn't the only people in the building right now, there could be more people who had stayed there while the others caused chaos. Which was why you didn't choose the later of your options.

But if you sneaked in at the darkest of night, hopefully all would be asleep, which would be greatly to your advantage, especially if you'd be able to search the whole building. Then you'd be able to know how many people were in there and if you ever needed to get the hell out of there for any reason possible, you'd know the way around the place. So yeah, great advantage for you.

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