Chapter 6

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Opening your eyes slowly, eyeing the room you were in, remembering what happened last night by each second you watched the room. You had hoped it all was just a big nightmare, but of course it wasn't, you could never imagine yourself having such a gruesome dream in such detail.

Not knowing what to do you just lied at the floor, not like you could go anywhere, he had put a chain around one of your ankles, your left one to be specific. Looking around the room more, in a search for the male himself, only to find nothing. Though you couldn't really see much having your head laying on the cement floor, or was it stone? You couldn't care less. As you lied there questions started popping up in your head, questions like; What's the time? And am I stuck here forever?

Suddenly you heard a knock on the tall wooden door, making you snap out off your thoughts. Confused you sat up looking towards the dark wood with the golden handle. "Come in?" You said, though it sounded more like a question other than anything.

"Guess Feitan really was speaking the truth huh?" A female voice was heard together with the creaking from the opening door. The female in question had long, pink and tied up hair and deep, pretty, blue eyes. You recalled her, both appearance and her voice, she had been out there in the city together with the chaos. You'd also seen her before Feitan, which supposedly was his name, had caught you.

"The gremlin?" The words just dropped out of your mouth without thinking as the woman together with a man walked in. You imminently regretted it, putting your hand over your mouth quickly while looking towards the floor slightly. The man started laughing as fast as those words had left your mouth. The man had blonde hair and seemingly no eyebrows, you couldn't tell his eye color, having his eyes closed as he laughed hysterically. Though you could recall him just as well as the woman, same reasons as well.  

"Yeah, him. And don't say that to him, he'd kill you." The female's voice filled the room together with the man's laughter.

"Yeah thanks, I've noticed." You said, looking back at the two of them as well as taking the hand off of your mouth. The pink haired had the smallest of smiles, though that disappearing in just a second. 

Suddenly you heard a smack and the laughter stopped; the female had supposedly hit the blonde in the back of the head to make him finally shut the hell up. You couldn't really tell, the whole thing happened so very quickly. Looking at his tall self you noticed that he was holding a bowl of something, that reminded you of how hungry you were, hoping the substance in the bowl was actually food and for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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