Bonus 2

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"YOU JERK!" Before you knew it, a suit of armor was flying towards you.

"What the fu-"

"HOW DARE YOU HURT FOYFOY-KUN?!" A metal fist collided with your face, knocking you back a few feet.

"(Y/N)!" Alba ran to help you, but he was launched across the cell. "My ribs again!"

"YOU HURT HIM!" The suit of armor continued punching you, ignoring your screaming and kicking. "SUFFER!"

"GET OFF OF ME!" you yelled back. A blow to your mouth shut you up.


"TOO BAD, I DID!" you snarked. You regretted that when they took off the hand part to scratch your face. "FUCK!"

"DIE! DI-" There was a clanging noise, and the armor fell over.

"What the?" You held your bloody nose as you looked up. Ros stood behind the armor, holding up his huge sword.

"Nobody messes with my girlfriend," he growled.

"Girlfriend?!" You blushed.

"Sorry, I had no idea!"

"Hey, come here," he said gently, holding out his hand.

"Hurts," you whimpered.

He knelt down to your level, tilting your chin up. "Hold still." He put a hand over your scratched cheek, healing the wound. The blush rose up to your ears. He healed the rest of your wounds, still looking you in the eye.

"Th-thanks," you stuttered.

"Yeah." Ros patted your head. "Thanks for playing along."

"Playing along," you muttered. Of course he didn't mean it when he called you his girlfriend. It was just to save you.

"You look disappointed," he observed. "Maybe you actually want to be my girlfriend."

"I, um..." You looked away quickly, fuming as he chuckled and left you to your own thoughts. "Bastard."

To Protect You - Ros X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now