Aul idk

185 0 2

TW: Pedophilia
Yes, I'm still talking about that shit.

So hi

I am writing this at 3am because I know I'll forget later

So yes, I am sleep deprived.

So bear with me, I need to remember what happened in the episode-


I fucking loved it-

That shit was absolutely stunning

Hornsby just got completely forgotten about lol

Stoner was mega tripping out and I found that hilarious

I'm super glad that Mr Cheese got overshadowed for once. Like, he was getting a bit too popular.

Like, just him in general was getting a bit much.

So, since Captain is my comfort character, seeing him finally go back to being his darn little cute self over a freaking evil-ass robot made me very happy. If that robot is all we need for Captain to be a cutie pie and not some kind of pedophile then bring him in every episode.


Why was the first thing I though of when I saw Player's beautiful distraction "Pansexual lol"

Jeez I'm so weird.

Hm... What else happened

I mean, TheGentleman smacked himself in the face with a self burn about his hats


Player killing Stoner with the fan actually made me laugh. And TheGentleman pointing out the bullet hole made me fucking wheeze

And when I tell you I've not laughed at an aul episode for a long time, I mean it

Like, to cope with awkward stuff, I laugh. But this episode was just pure real laughing

It was comedy gold, and I wish Gametoons would do more like this

Also. At the start in the lobby, idk if it always been like that, but Stoner'd leaf physics looked on point

Mr Cheese getting thrown out of the ship made me laugh a lot too

It was perfectly cut, and you can't tell me otherwise

Uh, I cant think of anything else-

Uhhhhh, life update I guess

So, I think I definitely wont be doing aul art for a while. I'm actually falling out of the artsy side of it

Idk, there isn't really much for me to actually draw-

Maybe I'm just falling out of the fandom idk

I mean, I've not talked in the discord for about 3 days now, so they all probably think I'm dead-

But yes, I'll still be making this, just for you all

Oh shit I just remembered Egg's diary is a thing

That's postponed lolllllll-


I'm actually pretty positive I'll finish that picture outta my last chapter today, but hell, I can't be arsed to write this all at 5am in the morning

So yeah. I'll settle for 3am instead.

Fucking hellllllllllll

Anyway, I love you all, I can't be arsed with life, and happy Mothers day in advance, because I forgot International Women's day, and I'll probably forget Mothers day too.

Haha, fuck my forgetfulness

Not goodnight, but it's late enough to be one


-A non-spell checked JellieCatMC

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