Kerri and Niall.

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  • Dedicated to Kerri

Firstly..this isnt your every..romance one shot you'd read..this is for my cousin Kerri who is 11 years it wont be all..y'know kiss..kiss..Its only a kiss on the cheek its safe to read c: 

Kerri Brown {11 years old}

I smile giddily and link to my cousin Niamhs arm tightly. It's finally the day I've been waiting for. 

March 5th 2013.

The day I get too see One Direction live in concert. I jump around happily allowing my brown hair to fly around my shoulders. My green eyes glisten with excitement as my older cousin Niamh who is yes 18 years old cousin. Well she is taking me to this concert tonight as she bought me and herself tickets for  Christmas. We are both very proud and dedicated Directioners. We have supported the boys always. 

I dress in my denim shorts and dark pink tights, My One Direction top. with all of the guys beautiful faces on it, I wear proudly, and on the back it states 'Mrs Horan' which I love. My feet are protected with my One Direction converse. My brown hair flows down over my shoulders. My green eyes which I get from my dad. twinkle with excitement. 

Niamh is sporting a casual look with her light-blue denim washed jeans, and a cream white flowy top which hugs her frame nicely. Her hair curled nicely in little brunette ringlets flowling down her back. Her red converse sit on her feet. Her make-up done beautifully, but not caked on her face, just a little. {my favourite is the pink lipgloss as she gave some to wear!}

I love all of the guys equally..but I have a very big soft spot for a certain Irish lad..goes by the name Niall Horan. Blonde soft hair..Bright blue adorable smile..You must know him! Niamh and I do have our little fights over who gets to have him, but she always lets me win.

My heart begins to pound faster as the music begins to overflow into my ears. Niamh nods to the security man weirdly as I hold my ticket which I've kept safely for the past three months, tightly in my hands and close to my chest. 

Niamh takes my hand and leads me up to..RESERVED Seats?! 

"Niamh..we're RIGHT at the stage! Niall might see me! How did you do that!?" I scream excitedly and clutching to my '1D Programme' which Niamh purchased for me earlier. She laughs and looks down to me winking. I gasp and pull on her arm, "Tell. Me. Please!"I beg hearing a chant of 'ONE DIRECTION! ONE DIRECTION!" 

I gasp hyperily and begin to jump up and down in my seat mentally as I scream crazily. 'ONE DIRECTION! NIALL HORAN!" 

Niamh laughs and claps her hands joining in with my shouting. The start of 'Up All Night' begins and I scream every last bit of oxygen out of my lungs. Suddenly five figres appear, bursting up into the air before landing on their feet and Liams medolic voice begins and I sing--no..I shriek along. 

"It feels like we've been living in fast forward. Another moment passing by"

I holler out the boys name as Niamh takes pictures of me, and I touch the stage giddily seeing Harry stand right there..I extend out my hand out and Harry grins and winks shaking my hand.


"NIAMH! NIAMH! HARRY JUST TOUCHED MY HAND!" I yell yanking on her arm as she throws her head back and laughs. 

"I seen! I seen!" She giggles running a hand through her brunette hair.


I advert my gaze back to the stage and see Niall waving out to the crowd; smiling widely. I see him turn my way and he winks making me  scream and wave my hands aroun frantically.

Niall Horan just saw me..


Well we are halfway through the concert and let me tell you this. I am so damn happy. No. I'm estatic! I'll have no voice in the morning I screamed so much. I don't think I ever fangirled as much either! 

I really need to thank Niamh for this! I mean, Louis, Harry and Liam walked right in front of us and waved at me! ME! 

"Right ladies! How about we look at some tweets?!" Louis asks into the microphones and screaming begins to erupt from me and the other 12,000 people here in the Dublin O2 arena. 

I see Niamh slowly sit back into her chair, smirking. 

"Can you do the macarena..Liam?" Louis asks; raising an eyebrow as Liam  beams and stands up from the couch situated in the middle of the stage and he begins doing the macarena while I giggle at how silly he looks. 

"Right...thats my tweet done..Harry.." Liam speaks looking to the big screen awkwardly and reading out the tweet.

"Can you beat box?" He ask curiouly as Harry breaks into a beat box and doing a break down dance. 

"GO HARRY!" I cheer but keep my eyes on Niall. 

"Thats me done" Harry plays before making his eyes look to the big screen and Niamh sits back into her seat smirking. Weird..Just before I could think Niall begins to speak

"Right..this tweet is from my best friend Niamh" 

My heart stops.

"She and her cousin Kerri are sitting right here"

My heart tops again and I feel my breath catch in my throat. 

Niall..he just said my name..and theres a bright spotlight on us..

I turn myself to Niamh who smirks but smiles shyly, 

"Merry Christmas..." She laughs seeing my shocked face before I feel a hand touch mine. I look up and see..

"Y-y-your Niall....Niall Horan.." I gasp and feel happy tears escape freely from my eyes.

"Why yes I am princess" He grins widely and takes my hand, helping me stand up and nodding at Niamh who also stands up. He takes my hand ever so softly and I begin to feel shaky on the inside. Niall James Horan is holding MY hand. 

My eyes widen when I stand up on stage and see cameras flashing rapidly and screams roaring from every corner. 

"Well..Your cousin also my best friend told me..your a very big fan of us.." Niall speaks his Irish accent ringing through my ears making me melt. I nod my head happily unable to speak.

"Well...I was also told you have a little soft spot for me.." He grins widely and pokes my stomach making me giggle and my cheeks turn rosy as I nod again. 

"Well, I wanted to tell you, You are a beautiful young girl, your our number one fan and the lads and I love you loads!" He smile gently making happy tears rain down my cheeks as I wrap my arms around him tightly. 

"Annnnnd...we want You and Niamh to come back stage with us, after the show, and you can talk to me and the lads, and we are giving you and Niamh V.I.P tickets, backstage passes, an autographed shirt, and if you like you can take a picture with us..and of course me!" He winks and speaks into the microphone as him and I appear on the big screen and fans begin to chant.

"T-thank you" I smile happily hugginh him tightly as he kisses my cheek making me squeal and I kiss his back; before wrapping my arms around his naeck and his go around my small body hugging me tightly.

"GROUP HUG!" Louis hollers before him and Harry jump ontop of Niall and I. 

Best. Day. Of. My. Life. 


Merry Christmas Kerri...I hope this was okay c: 

I hope you like it! 

Okay..well..I'll see you sometime soon and we can fangirl and sthuff..c:



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