Kim and Niall

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Niall Horan

I grin as I finish setting the movie room. Today is the day. Today is the day, I finally get to see my best friend Kim Parker. The girl you've been in love with for the past three years you've known her and you've never had the guts to tell her. Shutup Craig. Yes, I have a name for those little voice that always manage to whisper back. Stupid Craig. Oh but you love me Niall. No I don't Craig, get out of here. 

I grab some colourful blankets and bring them to the couch before I hear the knock of the door. I stroll to the door, and push down the handle pulling it open, to reveal Kim. Her brown hair, curled lightly near the ends sits perfectly around her shoulders. Her dark skinny denim washed jeans hugs her curves. The white tank blouse flows down her, gently. Her brown chocolate lakes eyes stare right into my blue ones as a smile sketches onto her face.

"Nialler!" She squeals jumping onto me. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her petite body close to me. Inhaling her 'Moonlight Magic' Britney Spears perfume. My favorite. 

"Kimmy!" I grin widely, as she pulls back and smiles brightly at me, making me melt on the inside. 

"It's been a while!" She laughs, "I thought you ditched me for the lads" She says jokingly, that reminds me, have I told you, I haven't seen her in six months because of the U.S Tour? No? Well, now you know. 

"I would never ditch you!" I chuckle pulling her into me closely again.

"Or would you?" She smirks raising an eyebrow before she runs into the sitting room and jumps over the sofa. 

"I missed you" I smile rolling on top of he, feeling my heart race as our bodies touch.

"I missed you more" She grins shyly, making me feel on top of the world. She's beautiful.

'How was the tour?" She querys, swalloing some popcorn, as the movie plays in the background.

"It was amazing! The fans were just, seriously amazing, one word. Amazing." I grin proudly. 

"The lads and I took loads of pictures, for memories and we hope to go back there." I smile, kicking my feet up onto the ottoman.

"I'm delighted you had fun! It must have been amazing! The whole U.S! Seriously Nialler, I'm so proud of you" She blushes as she kisses my cheek, creating butterflies in my stomach to explode. 

"Your proud of this Irish man?" I joke motioning to my body.

"I am proud of you ya leprachaun." She grins, nudging my shoulder lightly.

"How have you been?" I ask, nudging her shoulder back jokingly.

"I've been great, I got into the soccer leagues final! I'm thrilled with that!" She smiled proudly. Kim LOVES Soccer, She deserves to be in the soccer leagues final. She is amazing. 

"Oh my god! Kimmy! I'm so happy for you!" I squeal pulling her onto my lap and holding her there as I kiss her cheek lightly.

Where has this sudden burst of confidence come from?

I hear her breath hitch a tiny bit. I rest my forehead against hers, as I hold her chin inbetween my index finger and thumb. I gaze into her chocolate buttoned eyes. "Your amazing.." I whisper against her lips, sending cool air over her. 

"T-thanks..." Her voice trembles a bit.

"I...I have something to tell you..." I say trailing off in a whisper. 

"Wha-" Before she could finish I press my lips to hers. Sparks shoot through my body, electricy runs through my veins. Our lips move in sync, in perfecty rythm. I snake my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me as her hands mover around my neck. I lick her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gladly gives me causing a slight smirk to fall upon my lips. Our tounges fight for dominance but Niall wins. Her strawberry tasted lips move against mine smootly, I move a stray piece of her beautiful brown soft hair behind her ear as I deepen the kiss. 

I feel her pull back. Niall you idiot you may have just lost your best friend. 

"I love you Niall Horan..." She whispers softly looking into my eyes as I stare into her beautiful ones.

"I love you Kim Parker.." I whisper back. "Be mine?" 

I watch as a brightly lit smile appears onto her gorgeous plump ones. I watch as she leans in and connects our lips creating butterflies to explode within me.

"Yes.." She giggles.

"I love you Kim Parker. Always have and always will" I smile pulling her into me intertwining our fingers. 

"It's always you..." I smile trailing off before I conenct our lips.

This is the begining of something beautiful.

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