Chole and Olly Murs

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Olly Murs

"I don't know who you are, don't even know your name.." I sing to myself as I walk down the London streets. It's coming up to Christmas and guess who still hasn't found a nice girl to spend my life with. You've guessed right. Me. Olly Murs. Forever alone.

I sigh as I pull my dark, cotton long coat closer into me, keeping as much heat as I can. It's three days before Christmas. I have all the presents bought. All my Christmas cards sent. Turkey and ham bought. Mince pies made. Family time arranged. 2013 Tour organised. I have nothing to do. That is why I'm spending as much time as I can searching for future Mrs Murs.

I let out a cool breath of air, watching it fade away somewhere like a ghost. December. It's what you expect. My feet bring me down to a park, it could be dangerous, but it's worth a risk if I want to clear my mind off of things.

I push open the black metal gate, allowing it to creak, before I walk my way through it, before I quietly shut it. I'm surprised. Paparazzi aren't following me. For once. It's nice not having cameras in my faces, or the blinding flashes clicking rapidly burning straight through my brown eyes. 

My eyes have always mesmerised me, in one picture they look green, in another blue, another, bluey green, and then just brown. It's weird but it's the way the light catches me I suppose, but I have brown eyes. Just to clarify.

I let the crips December air fill up my lungs before I exhale. A daily routine.

"I wonder how you kiss first thing in the morning 

Before you go, go to work and your smiling at me 

Do you laugh at my jokes, even the ones that you've heard before? 

There be times when everything's not perfect, when we fight 

Do you say things like I hate you or it's all your fault 

Or do you say nothing at all"

 A soft, voice sang through the darkness breaking  me from my thoughts. I look up slowly only too see nothing..maybe it's just my imagination toying with me. It happens a lot, sadly. 

"I don't know who you are 

Don't even know your name 

I wish we could talk but I don't have a number to call 

So hold your hand up if you hear me, I've been searching but all that I 


Is everywhere that I go, I'm standing alone in the crowd"

The same voice broke out again as a gentle strum of guitar chords began to become clearer to me. This voice is beautiful, it's perfect, like a symphony of music notes fluttering around in the air. I follow my way, gaining myself closer and closer to the angelic voice. 

I hear myself getting closer and closer. I stand a few feet away, not frightining the girl, who sits on a wooden park bench. Her brown wavy locks flowing over her shoulders. Her light washed skinny jeans, hug her legs perfectly, Her purple Nike high-tops.Her simple, plain white t-shirt hangs over and sits it's self around her, hugging her curves. 

 I view as she runs her fingers over the guitar, creating sound, Beautiful sound, nothing compared to her though. A vision of beauty, I walk over to her slightly grinning. 

"Baby your right here in front of me 

Am I looking to hard it's hard to see 

Oh, give me a sign; I'm starting to wonder if you've lost your way 

I've been right here waiting patiently, your lane should be right here next 

To me 

I need you tonight, think of you all of the time"

Her voice echoed through my ears as she moved her head, bopping it to the beat as her hand glided up and down rapidly. I take another few steps up to her until I'm beside her. I open my mouth and join in. 

"I don't know who you are 

Don't even know your name 

I wish we could talk but I don't have a number to call 

So hold your hand up if you hear me, I've been searching but all that I 


Is everywhere that I go is standing alone in the crowd 

And I need you now... I need you now"

I sang along, putting as much passion as I can in as I feel a tear slip down my cheek. The guitar chords continue to play but her voice suddenly stops making me stop. I glance to her where her mouth gapes open and she blushes, and stands up struggling to run away, Hell no! She is not going anywhere.

I latch onto her arm, pulling her back, taking out a fifty pound note. 

"That was amazing!" I exclaim shoving the money in her hand, as a tip or a token of my grattitude? would you even call it that? I have no idea. I gaze into her hazel eyes. "Olly. Olly Murs" I whisper, sticking out my hand for her to shake. 

 I feel her hand grasp onto my hand as she shakes it softly. "Chloe. Chloe Evans" She smiles shyly as she lets our connected hands break. I take a full view of her. She is smoking hot! 

"Nice to meet you beautfiul" I grin, looking into her Hazel eyes, that are twinkling at me. 

"Nice to meet you too.." She laughs, shaking her head slightly in a playful manner, causing me to grin feeling , my heart beat pick up quickly. I take her hand and sit us down on the bench a couple feet away from us. 

"So, Chloe..tell me about yourself" I say, picking her feet up and throwing them across my legs, casually as her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. 

"Well...erm..My name is Chloe Evans..I'm twenty eight,.Bubbly, enjoy reading..I have a passion for singing, I love kids. Pizza is my favourite food. I Olly  Murs.." She laughs quietly trailing off whilst I sit there with a huge smug look on my face. "I can play guitar, piano, keyboard, drums. I love Starbucks!" Chloe smiles widely as I sit and listen to her intently, playing with her shoe-laces, twirling thme around my finger. I feel the ends of my mouth twith upwards.

"I like you...your original..creative..real..normal" I answer her, tying her shoe-laces into a a neat bow. "Thanks.." She giggles an adoarble giggle."Your turn!" She shouts, looking up at me, smiling brighter than the moonlight.

"My name is Olly Murs, I'm twenty eight, I love singing! I came second place on 'The X Factor U.K' In two thousand and nine.I'm sexy, fun. dangerous, risky, cool, warm, kind. I love to eat...especially chocolate peanuts. Guilty pleasure of mine. I have the perfect life except, I'm missing one thing..." I whisper, taking her chin in between my index finger and thumb, making her eyes meet mine as I feel my heart beat against my rib cage, making me nervous. 

"W-whats that?" She asks as her breath hitches and she raises a perfectly raised eyebrow towards me, You can say it Olly. You can do it. You will do it. Your going to win her.

I bring her face up slowly before making her lips connect to mine. As her lips touch mine lightly, I instantly felt sparks rush over me, making me feel, on top of the world. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me, still keeping our lips together. I feel her arms wrap around my neck. I lick her bottom lip slightly, asking for entrance, which she gives me quickly causing a light smirk to fall upon my lips as I keep our lips moving in sync, feeling electricity run through me. Our tounges fight for dominance but I win. I pull back breathing heavily, resting my forehead agaisnt hers as I intertwine our fingers with my free hand.

"I know..I might be going to fast but..I love you Chloe Evans" I whisper gently.

"I love you Olly Murs..." She whispers back before she leans up and fits her lips to mine like puzzle pieces.

Olly Murs and Chloe Murs.


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