Chapter Twelve

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    "What's going on??" I shouted as I could hear them all talking. Then the blindfold was ripped from my eyes and I was staring at a red hot, solid branding iron in the shape of a ghost. My wrists and ankles were chained, holding my body completely straight and suspended above the concrete floor. "Please... Don't!!" I pled as I struggled to free my wrists and ankles but the more I struggled the more they bled. My heart began to pound as the masked man holding the branding iron walked toward me. "Please!! Help!! I'm so sorry!! PLEEAASSE!!!" I shot up in the bed, straight into Jax's arms that happened to be waiting on me. My heart was still racing and I was drenched in sweat but it didn't seem to bother him. "You alright babe?" He asked me in a gentle tone. "Yeah, I just need to go take a shower." I had unintentionally ignored his concern. I knew I would eventually have to explain everything. It had been a year since we made our relationship official and there have been a few nightmare incidents. Jax had decided to move in a couple weeks ago with Abel and kept his old house as a place for members to stay if need be.

      I turned the rain function on in the shower and just stood underneath, hanging my head. What am I going to tell him? HOW am I going to tell him?? My thoughts were interrupted by Jax's arms wrapping around my body, feeling every inch. A slow sigh of relief echoed against the shower walls. I had needed his physical touch and he just sensed it. "Love me.." I whispered as he craned my head back to kiss each inch of my neck. His strong hand cradled my head as his other hand swiftly moved between my legs. After massaging until I craved more he slid his member fully inside me, causing my first orgasm. Then his hands tightly gripped my hips as he began to thrust slowly but with force. It was like I was forbidden and he wanted to break all the rules. When he reached his limit his arms wrapped under mine and his hands gripped my shoulders. Forcing me into his thrusting body harder and harder until we both climaxed simultaneously.

    When I stepped out from the shower minutes after Jax, I found a message written in the steam on the mirror. Open the door. "Ok." I said out loud with a small giggle as I got dressed. Upon opening the door I saw little Abel sitting on the bed holding a box. Once he saw me a smile stretched across his face as he started waving the box at me. "Is that for me?" I asked him as I laid on the bed next to him. After he gave me the box I opened it to see a diamond ring inside. Looking up I see Jax grinning in the doorway, "What do you say doll? Marry me?" My heart stopped as I stared at his unbelievably chiseled physique, baffled at how he chose ME of all people. He could get any girl he wants. "I feel like I've waited a lifetime to find you. I'm not letting you go. Please become Mrs. Teller." I looked down at Abel who was reaching for me to pick him up. "Took you long enough." I said with a chuckle. When I turned around after picking Abel up Jax had moved closer, kissing me deeply before heading to the kitchen.

      I had just dropped Abel off at Gemma's for the day when I pulled up to T.M. to see a lot more motorcycles in the parking lot than normal. When I walked into the office I found Chucky already doing paperwork. "Hey Max. Anything I can get you?" He asked with an eager to please smile. "Actually, do you know what's going on?" I asked him as I gestured to the full lot. "Sorry." He said as he shrugged his shoulders. "No problem Chucky. You mind going to the clubhouse and make the guys some fresh coffee and snacks?" I asked before I knew it he was half way to the clubhouse doing exactly what I requested. Gemma had decided to stay home to spend more days with her grandson. So she gave me her job and Chucky came with the promotion. Now to figure out HOW to tell Jax.

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