Chapter 16

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Once Clay's hand was free of the gun, I couldn't move quickly enough. I walked out from behind the two men guarding me and practically ripped the photo from Happy's hands. How can this even exist? I thought it was lost in the fire. In my hands was a photo of myself as a child, held in the arms of none other than the president of The Ghost Riders.  By the expression on everyone's face, which were all turned in my direction, it seemed they wanted an explanation. "Who are you?" Clay asked in a suspicious manner, narrowing his eyes as he leaned closer before motioning for me to take a seat. I nervously accepted the offer and watched as the club members followed suit.

"LEGALLY my last name is Moon. I had changed it when I turned eighteen." They all seemed so focused on what I was about to say, making me even more nervous. 
"What was your last name before?" Opie asked. I lowered my head, almost as if l were ashamed. And maybe I was.
"I was born Maxine Winter." Each man reacted to the name. "The Ghost Riders think I am dead. Or at least they did." I felt a warm tear inadvertently roll down my cheek. "Fuck" I whispered aloud, causing Jax to grip my hand. Silently telling me he was there for me.
"Clay, what do we do?" Jackson asked, Clay didn't have an answer. He was silent and unnaturally a bit shaken. Each club member casually walked out of the room. Jax guided me out of the clubhouse to leave the president to his thoughts.

That night, as I laid in the king size bed my thoughts kept going into that dark space in the back of my soul. The part of my past i had worked years to forget was all crashing in at once. I heard the front door open and then quickly shut. Most likely Jax, coming back from dropping Abel off at Gemma's. I smiled as I stood to my feet and draped a silk black robe around my nude body. I put my hand on the door knob but paused. "Something isn't right." I whispered to myself before withdrawing my hand. I heard footsteps approaching the end of the hall. After carefully locking the bedroom door I quickly grabbed the shotgun from beneath the bed and went into the bathroom. Before I shut the door I saw the door move as if someone was trying to break it down. My heart pounded out of my chest as I check the shotgun to see if it was loaded. "Shit..shit, shit." I mumbled to myself as I laid the shotgun down.

"We know your in there Miss Winter." One of the men shouted through the door. I assessed the room, adrenaline pumping rapidly through my veins.


They finally succeeded in breaking in the bathroom door. The two men in ski masks walked in with their guns drawn. I stood quietly behind the door, hoping one would walk back out. "Go keep a look out." The second man said. Once his accomplice complied with his orders I slammed the door shut, swiftly swinging the back of the lid to the commode down onto his face. Spraying warm blood across my face and knocking him unconscious.  Before I could open the door I heard a gunshot followed by a heavy thud against the door.

Then, that familiar husky voice.
"Come on out doll. You're safe now." The sound of his voice alone made me toss the porcelain lid to the floor and swing the door open. The other man fell through the door way to my feet but it didn't faze me. Everything around us just faded to a blur, a sigh of relief. He ran to my side, catching me before I fell to the floor. "I got you doll." He said looking down at me, I took in the scent of whiskey and smoke. He scooped me up in his muscular arms and carried me to the kitchen. There he sat me on the counter, I shuttered at the cold tile that my silk robe was no match for. Just then I looked up to see Jackson looking at me with guilt.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed as my head sunk into my chest.
"I should have known they would find out."
"What if Abel was here?"
Jax stood directly in front of me. Cradling my face as his thumbs wiped away the tears.
"I would never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to him."
"I know doll." He forced me to look him in the eye. "Nothing will EVER get this close to you or this house again. I swear." I could feel his honesty. His face then slowly made it's way to my own. What I've been waiting for all daaayyyy. My hands naturally pulled him closer to me, deepening our kiss more and more. I gently bit his bottom lip causing a growl to erupt from his chest and his hands began to slide up my thighs. Once he reached my hips and realized I was wearing nothing underneath my robe, he stopped. Pulling back I see a grin creep across his face.

"I see you were waiting on me." He said in a cocky tone.
"Well, I wasn't wearing the robe until the front door opened." I replied before taking the robe off and tossing it to the floor. His grin got even bigger as he went to his knees and crawled until his head was right between my naked thighs. His warm mouth found it's way to my sweet spot and as his tongue flicked I craved him more and more. Jax couldn't handle the wait and shortly after stood up to get undressed. Like a snap of my fingers his clothes were on the floor next to mine.

"I've thought about you all day."
"About this all day?" I asked before sliding his member through the tight walls of my body. He let out a loud moan.
"Exactly this." He replied before gripping my hips firmly. Another growl came from his chest, almost like he couldn't have enough. Each thrust started to get harder and harder. Then, as if it still wasn't enough, I was completely of the counter and being held up solely by his strength. I could feel a climax starting to build but I was nowhere near close enough either. It was like we couldn't get close enough to each other.

"Oh god yes!" He moaned loudly as one of his hands gripped my shoulder,  helping him thrust even deeper. Right as we both climax we hear the front door open.

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