Lovely, but terrifying!

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Draal was sleeping on the nest, I looked at my watch; 7:00 PM. I rubbed my eyes; boy was I ever more tired it was there.

I sat down at my desk. I began to draw whatever came to mind, my phone then began ringing.


"Hey Asra, I just wanted to say Good Night."
"Yeah, ma, good—" My butt was pinched, "NIGH!"

I looked back quickly, Draal looked asleep, but he had a small smirk grazing his lips.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, Night ma," I hung up.

I glared at Draal before I resumed drawing, I then felt a snort on the back of my neck, I saw Draal right over top of me.

"You should sleep." He told me.

"And was pinching my butt supposed to tell me that?"
"No, it was just because you left it exposed, a fight is never easy to guess, remember that."

I stood up, "Oh, shut up with the Warrior Talk, anyway I'm not even sleep—ey" Draal grabbed my head and it went black.

~Draal's First Person POV~

I lifted her up into my arms as she was completely asleep. I laid her on the nest and looked at her beauty for a long time.


~Asra's First Person POV~

I stretched out like a cat, once I rolled over, I got a big face of blue. I immediately blushed once his glowing eyes met mine, "Uh..." I couldn't make up a sentence.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I stayed quiet, I said in my mind, anything... Anything?!

"Anything," I quickly covered my mouth realizing I literally said anything instead of an actual sentence.

"What?" He wondered, quirking his eyebrow up in confusion.

"I don't know... I panicked." I quickly answered.

I rolled away and was about to sit up. I squeaked with surprise once Draal's arm pulled me back. "EEK!"

He pulled me to his chest, almost winding me, but he didn't pull me to hard to wind me.

Draal held me to his warm chest, and I couldn't help but go limp and snuggle up to him.

"By the way, how did you make me go to sleep last night? I remember saying I wasn't sleepy then it's just black."

"I may or may not have pushed you into my chest and then you just fell right asleep."

"That makes sense," I murmured, rolling over so I could face him. He smirked, before I gave him a sudden kiss.

His eyes opened wide for a moment before we got all tangled in the kiss. It was the most passionate kiss we had ever share.

"What the heck! What are you—Oh god..." A voice made of pure fear spoke.

We stopped our kiss and saw her..

My freakin' mother!

"Get away from her!" She yelled; I ran at her trying to tell her to stop but she flung me behind her. Holding a chair at Draal.

Draal growled lowly, "Get. Away. From. Her."

"You speak?! Okay whatever – get away from my daughter!"
"And, she's my mate!" He exclaimed, "You can't take her away!"

"Your what?! Asra, what have you been doing with this – thing?!" She looked back at me.

Draal ripped the chair out of my mom's hand and broke it.

My mom glowered at him.

"Remember Draal!? That's him!"

"He is definitely not Draal! He's—what are you?"
"Troll!" Draal roared angrily.

"Draal's a human! Not a troll!"
"Ma! You gotta let me explain!"

"Get to it!"
"Long ago, you met my father! My father was a Shapeshifter (I transformed wolf) he never told you because he worried for your safety. I got the gene of the ability of Shape shifting, Jim did not. A few months ago Jim found a mystical amulet that creates armor. He protects good trolls; like Draal and humanity."
"Wait, why?"

"The Amulet chose him, mom, I've lied to you, and it hurt so much to lie. But I have a duty beside my brother! And yes... Draal is my mate."
My mom sat down, eyes wide, "So you are Draal?"
"Yes, yes, I am." Draal said with a huff.

"Why-when-where?" She couldn't make up a sentence, "So everything about the training thing.... was a lie?"
"Sort of... I told you mostly everything.. Just in a way you didn't learn about trolls.."
"Why did you two not tell me? You could have told—"

I transformed human and smiled sheepishly.

Jim appeared from walking down the stairs, "Hey As—Oh no, she knows..."
"She knows! Jim why did you not tell me?!" She exclaimed, tear-filled eyes.

Blinky came down with a smile and a book in his hand, "Master Jim?" Blinky then saw us, clasping his lower hands together, "Oooh, are you telling your mother? Maybe I should—"

She walked up to him, "Are you my kids' trainer?" My mom asked softly, standing in front of him.

He blinked uncoordinated and placed his book down; before looking down at her, him being taller, "I am indeed your son's trainer, yes—"

My mother wrapped her arms around his neck, and she whispered, "Thank you for keeping my kids safe," Her head leaning on his shoulder.

He stiffened for a moment, looking down at the woman who was embracing him in such an odd manner, odd for him anyway.

Blinky's bottom set of arms wrapped around of her waist, the top ones also, with the one's hand on her head in a comforting manner – his face was in a soft frown and his eyes closed.

I could hear my mother sniffle, and tears ran down her cheeks onto Blinky's top shoulders.

"It is a duty I very much like fulfilling." Blinky murmured in her ear, "And I won't ever stop fulfilling it."

I smiled, well – guess something good came out of me getting caught almost making out with my mate.

Draal brought me into his lap, and I leaned into his chest.

Blinky gave my mom an almost petting on the head, pulling his hand up before sliding it down her hair.

Once my mother ended their hug after about 10 minutes; "Asra? You said there are bad trolls right..? So... Is Strickler actually a bad guy?" She asked.

"I am very sorry, ma, I know you—"
"I liked him as a guy, yeah, but I do that to a lot of guys. I just don't like getting on people's bad side – by the way have you hugged him before because that was a great hug." She whispered in my ear.

I chuckled and smiled.

Draal laughed softly, "I can hear you; you know."

"I have a question... Do you see in color or in black and white? Or do you have limited colors your eyes can see. – What color is this jacket?"
"Okay." She held out a spray can of mine, "This?"
Another spray can.



"Sorry, I have to do that, it's my job." 

Notes: Barbara forgives her children for lying, and she likes Blinky. 

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