Chapter 89 :

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Chapter Eighty-Nine: Oh~Ah~Oha~ I'm in love with your body~

Sammy looked at the stairs as Asra walked down, pinning her elven ears.

"Who am I?" Sam whispered; A Dragonfolk hybrid with a troll, an orphan... An outsider... Someone who told Aaarrrgh she liked him.. A new Trollhunter...


The black scaled Dragonfolk stood in front of his white skinned trolless mate, his wings open, and eyes in slits.

"Don't come near my mate!" Slashing his claws at Bular.

Bular's lip lifted, almost making a wolf like growl, his pupils dilated.

"Darkglove! Stop!" The trolless exclaimed, her whelp hybrid toddler holding on her leg, "Don't—"

Darkglove roared loudly at Bular, his fangs showing as his long ears pinning, his Ramlike horns glowing red, his eyes flashed red threateningly.

Bular swiped his paw at Darkglove, yet the Dragonfolk dodged.

The trolless was unable to run away, as the only escape other than running past Bular further into the cave; was the cliff of the cave, was sunlit.

Darkglove hissed, his tail wacking against the ground..

Darkglove's chest puffed out, as smoke steamed from his nostrils... His eyes darting to the side, he pulled back on his hindlegs,

Red flame came from his mouth, Bular rolled to the side to dodge it.

Darkglove pounced onto Bular, "Go!" He exclaimed, as he pinned Bular down.

The trolless, Whitetail grabbed her daughter by the scruff, pulling her onto her hip. The little whelp's arms, feet, and tail hung on for dear life to her mother.. As she raced down the cave.

Darkglove roared, as Bular flipped them to over.

Bular tried to swipe his claws to kill Darkglove, Darkglove grabbed his hand just as the claw went across his eye. Kicking Bular back.

Darkglove stood up weakly, his hand reaching up to his eye... Tears slid down his cheeks, as he looked back.

Whitetail and his daughter were long gone.

"I'm sorry...." Bular grabbed him by the neck in a swift moment, pinning him against the wall.

Darkglove roared in pain, as he scratched his claws on Bular's chest, before slapping him with his tail.


A bloody skin piece was ripped right off his thigh, making an agonizing roar as Bular was kicked back. Skidding to a stop, as the tip of his tail burned in the sunlight he yipped, pulling away from it.

The Dragonfolk hissed in anger and pain, "Pa-pa!"

Sammy ran towards the fighters, "No!" Darkglove cried out, out of panic he threw himself in front of Sammy as Bular's claw ripped through his stomach.

Darkglove's eyes dropped to become pale, as blue blood pooled on the ground.

Sammy stepped back, her eyes widened, as Darkglove laid limp on the ground... Looking up at Bular, "pa..."

"Delicious, relishing, fear..." A loud growl escaped Bular as he stalked up to her.

Pinning her against the wall, the little whelp whimpered, Bular thickly growled, his fangs baring, wanting her to be even more scared.

"Get away from my--AHHH! Darkglove!"
Whitetail covered her mouth, seeing Darkglove, her eyes widened for a moment before she ran into Bular.

~End of Flashback~

Sammy shook her head, seeing Asra finally get to the last step..

' Hey Asra, Vendel says I can't talk because of this injury, to hurt, '

"Okay, sister," Asra gave her a shoulder hug, as she walked to the Forge, where the Trail would take place.

' I'm very sorry about Draal, still, '

"Nothing you can do," Asra sighed, "I just have to sing through my emotions, that's all..."

' Sing? '

"Oh, I sang "Driver's License" while I drove here.." Asra murmured.

' A very depressing song, '

"I've heard worse, like Bad Blood or Saturn by Sleeping at Last.."

"Love you, sister." Hoarsely Sam said.

"No using your voice, Sam."

Rolling her eyes, ' Fine... '


Asra looked up at Jim, "No!" Blinky exclaimed, "These children no nothing of troll law,"

Asra raised her hand, "I off-"

"No." Ursurna hissed, "You are not human,"

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