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Look at me I'm ugly my teeth, eyes, hair, and body I look like an abomination. The front door opens it's my boyfriend I put on a smile and walk to greet him "Hey honey." I say giving him a kiss he kisses back and says, "Hey shitty-hair." My hair really is shitty "Don't fucking do that shit." Bakugou says grabbing my hand.

"Doing what?" I ask him confused but not really "Overthinking everything." My boyfriend saying looking me in the eyes I smile and say "What's there to overthink."

𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡

Me and bakugou are laying down in are bed watching a movie "You're beautiful, you know that?" Bakugou says looking at me "I don't fell beautiful." I say in a whisper "What do you mean You don't fell beautiful?!" Bakugou says in an almost yelling tone but not really "I mean look at me, my teeth, my eyes, my hair, and look at the way my body looks." I say looking at my arms.

Bakugou kisses my neck "Your teeth are hot, your eyes are big and beautiful, and your body is perfect your strong, soft, kind, sweet, your sexy, and most importantly your all mine. Your insecurities won't go away but at least talk about them I've you this time and time again Ei, I'll be with you forever no matter what."

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