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New Feelings

As the sun dipped behind the palace walls, Jungkook retreated to his room after a busy day, the facade of regality melting away with each step. He shed the suit he was forced to wear, donning the simple attire he cherished in secrecy. Leaning against the windowpane, he observed the city below, bustling with life he only glimpsed from a distance.

Jungkook lived the kind of life people could only dream of. He had the face, charm, body, wealth, and social status. After all, he was indeed the crown prince and future king of Korea.

But was he happy?

To the normal eye, one would probably say yes. In fact, if you asked any of the royal members or servants, they would all most likely say Jungkook was the happiest kid they ever knew.

But they were wrong.

Of course, they were wrong.

The weight of expectations hung heavy in the air, suffocating his longing for freedom. His reflection in the glass betrayed the weariness behind his composed visage, a mask he wore for the world. He was the prince adorned with privileges, but a prisoner to traditions and obligations.

With a sigh, he reached for his guitar, an instrument forbidden within the palace's walls. The strings hummed beneath his fingers, carrying the melodies of his hidden soul. Music was his solace, the one space where expectations couldn't dictate his every move. Each chord he strummed echoed the emotions he dared not express openly.

In the tranquility of the night, surrounded by the hushed whispers of his strings, Jungkook found brief moments of liberation. The notes resonated with a longing for a life less scrutinized, a life where he wasn't confined to the predetermined path laid out for him.

He dreamed of wandering through the streets anonymously, feeling the pulse of the city without the weight of responsibility. The lyrics he whispered were his untold stories, yearning to break free from the gilded cage of royalty.

But as the moon ascended, signaling the nearing dawn, reality seeped back into Jungkook as he tucked away his guitar in its clandestine corner, the strings still vibrating with his unspoken desires. Tomorrow, he would adorn his princely attire once more, masking the desires that lay hidden behind his stoic facade. With a wistful gaze, he bid farewell to the moonlit cityscape, the only witness to his moments of true freedom.

The weight of his responsibilities pressed upon him as he prepared for the day ahead. His morning routine was a carefully orchestrated dance of elegance and perfection, each step rehearsed to uphold the royal image. Attendants bustled around, ensuring every detail was in place - the impeccable attire, the regal demeanor, the flawless facade.

Among the bustling servants, Jungkook felt an ache for authenticity, for a life beyond the meticulously crafted persona. He yearned for moments when he wouldn't be bound by protocols when he could be just himself.

As he stepped into the grand halls, the world's expectations converged upon him like a heavy crown. Every gaze and every gesture was scrutinized, demanding compliance with the royal script. The smiles he wore were curated, the words he spoke rehearsed, yet a part of him longed for genuine connections, unfiltered and unscripted.

Throughout his days, he fulfilled his duties flawlessly - meetings, public appearances, and diplomatic engagements. He was the epitome of grace and composure, a testament to the rigorous upbringing that molded him into the prince the world admired. But within the corridors of opulence, beneath the surface of grandeur, Jungkook carried the weight of unspoken desires and hidden dreams. The longing for a life not dictated by protocol lingered in his heart, a silent plea for authenticity amidst the royal constraints.

Cinderella Thief / KOOKV 18+Where stories live. Discover now