What a wonderful weekend... Part 1 (Short)

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¦¦ Quick info: ¦¦

Thoughts- can also be used for sarcasm and exaggeration- or flashbacks

Kusuo's thoughts (Only in 'Normal POV')

" Speech "

·~· Info in bold·~·

×Name: Texting×


! Please read !

·~· If needed, make a copy of that list for the story. In the future, I am probably going to make everything clearer, as in all the symbols and what they mean. You don't have to do this, however, it's just recommended. ·~·

·~· All of the photos belong to rightful owners·~·

·~· Doesn't follow story lines, I don't think 













Sorry that this one is short! I just made this to keep those who might enjoy this entertained. Part two of this coming soon!

»¦¦ Kusuo's POV ¦¦«

»¦¦ Friday, 6:47 pm ¦¦«

Yare yare. Nothing special has happened at school this week. Though apparently Yugi is teaching some of our classmates duel monsters. I have almost got the hang of it already, but it can be confusing on what 'level' you are. 

Although one thing happened. 

»¦¦ Flashback ¦¦« Wow... now I am doing flashbacks again... What a pain.

»¦¦ Wednesday, 12:54 pm: Cafeteria  ¦¦«

I thought it through, and I decided it wasn't necessary of me to threaten Bakugou like that. So I decided to 'apologise', so we wouldn't have a grudge against each other straight away, I guess. So I went up to him, and said not so thoughtfully, "Listen, Bakugou."

"What do you want, extra?" He grumbled in a not-so-friendly response.

"I want to apologise for being mad that your spit went into Midoriya's food, and that you made the dessert I was looking forward to go to waste. So there you go. I'm sorry. Although I must admit, it was bad for me to threaten you like I did. So just so you know: don't think about disrupting me when I am enjoying my dessert. Arigatou gozaimasu." 

And with that I walked off, Bakugou just looking at me as I did. I was honestly expecting him to go all crazy and blurt out random excuses or whatever, but he didn't.

»¦¦ End of flashback ¦¦«

So anyway, now it's the weekend. That's good. But what's bad is that I am still stuck here. 


Huh? Oh..A message. I'm not going to bother looking at i-

'Ding Ding Ding Ding D- '

Oh what a pain. What to I have to do to make them stop messaging me?

'Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding ding din- '

Sigh.. I'll just answer them and hopefully they will shut up...

Class 1-A🦸

×IMNOTALWAYSANGRY: @ I'm a normal person :)×

×IMNOTALWAYSANGRY: @ I'm a normal person :)×

×IMNOTALWAYSANGRY: @ I'm a normal person :)×

×IMNOTALWAYSANGRY: @ I'm a normal person :)×

×ALL MIGHT IS ALMIGHTY🤯: Kacchan? I don't think he wants you to spam ping him...×


×IMNOTALWAYSANGRY: @ I'm a normal person :)×

×IMNOTALWAYSANGRY: @ I'm a normal person :)×

×I'm a normal person :) : Yare Yare. What do you want?×


×I'm a normal person :) : And you say that, "'YOUR'NOTALWAYSANGRY"? Stop lying to yourself, for your own good.×

IMNOTALWAYSANGRY changed their name to  SHUT UP EXTRA !

×I'm the short one: What is going on-?×

×Alien:I don't know Yugi....- But hey!Why don't we all go shopping together?×

×I'm a normal person :) : Nope.

I'm a normal person :) changed ✨I attract girls ✨ name to  No-one cares🙄


»¦¦ Time skip ¦¦«

How did I end up here? Shopping. With the whole class. A nightmare.

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