Capture the flag- part two of the subplot

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¦¦ Quick info: ¦¦

Thoughts- can also be used for sarcasm and exaggeration- or flashbacks

Kusuo's thoughts (Only in 'Normal POV')

" Speech "

·~· Info in bold·~·

×Name: Texting×


! Please read !

·~· If needed, make a copy of that list for the story. In the future, I am probably going to make everything clearer, as in all the symbols and what they mean. You don't have to do this, however, it's just recommended. ·~·

·~· All of the photos belong to rightful owners·~·

·~· Doesn't follow story lines, I don't think


¦¦ Kusuo's POV¦¦

Iida made every effort to get us to start the games. "Guys! Hey! Listen, I paid for this with my own money, so... any injuries you sustain today will be attributed to me. Please hold back and try to enjoy yourselves. " As he spoke, he cast a suspicious gaze at the Pomeranian-Bomb boy, which I thought was hilarious.
We were also not outside. We were at a modest and inexpensive sports facility which was situated just outside of the commercial centre. Before we arrived, Yugi claimed to have done some research on the location and found out that it had formerly been used for birthday parties and hero events, but was now a little run down and had fluctuating lights.

Currently, there was a birthday party being held next door to us that belonged to a seven-year-old boy. To be honest, when Iida brought us here, I couldn't believe it. The blog stated there was an outside space we could use, and he even showed us pictures of an expensive-looking hall with lots of people and equipment to utilise. Could we utilize the outside space? Nope. It was covered with brambles.
Even the game itself was a failure. We simply had to steal high-vis bibs and coloured vests. I mean, Iida tried, at least. Well done, Iida. The game still seemed enjoyable, and the room was enormous. This meant we had to run far to capture the flags, and we even had room to use our quirks. Yesterday we discussed this on our class group chat and Mr. Caterpillar Man gave us one piece of advice: use it for practice. Since I'm here, I don't believe that's a smart idea, and I haven't even figured out what quirk half of these people have yet.

I must have been droning on for some time. The countdown clock was not too old. Even so, the sound seemed hazy.




Bakugou started walking toward the vests as his fists literally caused explosions. He was screamed at by Midoriya, who reminded him that the game hadn't even begun. Bakugou made a somewhat impolite gesture toward him before returning to the starting line.

Lets try this again.



My good, sweet God. What a hassle. This time, an over eager Pikachu stepped forward before stopping abruptly. I've never seen Bakugou's eyes roll back into his head as far as they did. Everyone sighed quietly.

Ok, one last time.




Nobody moved until Iida sprinted ahead. As he walked away, he left a smoke trail in his wake. Actually, that was quite impressive. Others made an effort to shield the high visibility jackets on their side as he blasted off. On my team, Bakugou, he also launched himself ahead. Ida and Bakugou each received a vest from their respective sides. One for them and one for us. Throughout the entire time, Yugi kept looking over at me and occasionally tagged the sluggish passerby. However, Todoroki observed this and used the opportunity to glide by using his ice powers as Yugi and I were on opposite sides. I didn't pay Yugi or the other players any attention. I wasn't even playing, to be honest.

It was concerning that I could not hear Yugi's thoughts clearly as he was always conversing with the Pharaoh in his mind. Today it was almost impossible with the loud chatter in the skulls of others. They were all competitive. The score was now 7 to us and 6 to them. Nobody was really defending their own team and were taking offense instead. I mean they are heroes in training right? Wouldn't they know they also have to defend things?やれやれ(Yare Yare)。Not at any time today will I be joining in, not if someone wants to die. Or, at the minor edge of things, be gravely injured. How troublesome.
Likewise, Izuku Midoriya was doing well. He was one of the few who made the effort to both protect and attack his adversary. Out of everyone present, Bakugou, Iida, Mina, and Todoroki were the quickest. That meant that they spent the most of their time attacking. However, Yugi and a small group of other players remained outside and made an effort to confuse or tag other players who crossed their domain. Wow, I might actually be able to write as well, author.

Before the bell that announced the end of the game rang, it seemed as though hours had gone. We gave it our best shot, but Midoriya's team prevailed. . Praises and congratulations clouded the room in a misty haze, apart from one corner where a sulky teenager sat. I kinda felt bad. I mean, it was only a game, so not really. It's not like you spent 13 years working on that one game, only to have it fall short.

Should I go comfort him? Wait-Wait! He'll just get mad... But he looks upset. But also...mad.

Well, that's a voice I recognise. I beg you, don't give him any comfort.

But hold on! Saiki is over there. Maybe he is considering comforting Kachaan!

I'm not, no. Don't go over, please.

A young man with green hair shuffled timidly near to Bakugou. He then turns to face me before returning to Bakugou, who is lying on the ground. "Kachaan? Not to worry! Just play the game! I will give you my prize if you-"

Midoriya's hand is swatted away by Bakugou like a fly as he stands up, then he turns to gaze at me. "What the h3ll are you gazing at, nerd? He tuts and scowls, then walks away. How pleasant. 

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