#54 The Discovery II

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"Why does your father want you dead?” I said.

Regalis breathed in, "I don't know" he answered.

From the royal carriages, on the field of the truthseekers, on the day of his attack, he'd be completely dumb not to know who ordered the attack.

He sighed, "sometimes, I think he hasn't forgiven me, for the death of his father".

"Your grandfather?" I said. The late king. King Ricker. The last dragon Lord, that was rumoured to have been killed by Regalis. His body was found completely toasted. Only two very powerful Gifts could've caused that - lightning and soul deep pain or soulfire Gifts. Even Eleanor's type of fire magic couldn't have brought that kind of damage, or death, to a dragon Lord.

"You think he believes the rumors that you killed your grandfather for the throne?"

Regalis nodded.

" You were barely twelve years old. How could you already want the throne?" I said.

"All I know is, since then, our relationship worsened. It was never really good, since, people already said I killed my mother-" he paused, in obvious pain "but then, with grandfather's death -"

"The relationship collapsed" I completed.

He nodded.

"Perhaps, he wants me dead. So, I don't ever come after his -"

"Throne? I don't believe that" the words rushed out of my mouth.

He looked at me "you don't believe what?"

And he smiled, "that I killed my grandfather and mother?" he took a long pause, "thanks for your faith in me".

I smiled in return. But honestly, that wasn't the reason, my sudden response happened. I don't believe Randall feared that Regalis wanted his throne. And neither, do I believe, he wanted to harm Regalis, 'cause he aimed to avenge someone.

His reason, for desiring Regalis's death, felt like something much more than what he would just let anyone guess.

I breathed in.

Once again, could all this be connected to that prophecy? About Regalis stopping him?

Randall. What was he planning? Cleavon. Several babies disappearing. Which other life would've to end just for his selfish desires to be fulfilled?

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