#12 Death by a Thousand Burns

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Overnight, I became a sensation in the Northern towns.

In the past, when I walked on the streets, I noticed the love I received. After all, I was the bride of the Prince who rode his dragon and burnt down the Tarko army that tried to claim their lands.

However, now, it seemed I was even more well loved. And respected. Ever since, the news of Ingrith, broke out.

The Northern Ministry of Justice wrote an order ending the continuous branding of Ingrith and her relatives.

More so, now, when anyone passed Ingrith's home, on their way to the fabrics or meat market, they could all see the abundant food crops and fruits blooming in her compound. And also hear the sound of the stream behind it, flowing.

After the first seedlings sprouted out of the ground in Ingrith's compound, I invited a Gifted farmer. And within a week, Ingrith started harvesting fruits and other vegetables, as the farmer's Gift quickened the growth of the seedlings.

And so now, it pleased me, that though I didn't bring Ingrith back into the town, yet, at the outskirts of town where she was, she had more than enough food to feed herself and the growing child in her womb.

I giggled. Reading the note of thanks, that accompanied the jar of wine, Ingrith's old parents sent me. How sad they must have been all these years, to know their daughter was suffering, but yet, was prohibited from giving her a helping hand.

I shook my head. Some humans, posing as law makers and law enforcers, were even more cruel than wild beasts.

"Should I take the jar into the castle?" Konstanza asked, holding the jar of wine from Ingrith's parents, which Ingrith's cousin just delivered to me, while Konstanza and I stood outside the castle gates.

I nodded. "Why not? Take it to..." I paused. As I saw a boy of five, standing a few feet away from Konstanza, with an injury on his knee. It was a big wound. Did he fall? He had to be hurting right now.

Konstanza noticed where I was looking. She turned. Gasped. "Come here, Jamie" Konstanza said.

However, the injured five years old boy, Konstanza called 'Jamie' sped off.

"You know him, right?" I asked Konstanza.

She nodded.

"Hurry! Drop the jar of wine in the castle, and return. We must follow him" I said.

My healing Gift rising in me. Wanting to aid him.

I followed Jamie. "Jamie" I called.

He kept on running.


"You're hurt. Let me help you".

His speed did not decrease.

Soon, Konstanza returned to my side. Breathing heavily. She had been running to catch up with me.

"Lady Xemein. People rarely take this path. Why would Jamie come..." She noticed the building Jamie was entry "Jamie!"

I started to follow him, she held my hand back "we shouldn't enter there, my lady" Konstanza said.

If a five year old could enter this creepy-looking building, that filled me with chills, why should I stand, out here afraid to go in?

"It's the torture centre for criminals, when they're being questioned" Konstanza explained "I've heard the tools of torture there are extreme".

I took in a deep breath to ponder. The sun was setting. And soon, everywhere would be dark. Should we go back and call several other persons, before going into the building?

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