• stray •

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!!TW!! ABUSE, MORE SPECIFICALLY ANIMAL ABUSE (It won't be too graphic-y just mentions of it)

!!TW!! ABUSE, MORE SPECIFICALLY ANIMAL ABUSE (It won't be too graphic-y just mentions of it)

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Just fantastic. Not only did I just bumped into an over aggressive teenager like ten minutes ago, I also tripped on an inexistent rock, got chased by a dog, somehow got my hair tangled on a tree branch, got splashed by a truck, have mud all over my school clothes, and now somehow the sky is trying to make fun of me by making it rain, when I clearly left mine at my apartment.

Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think I'm having a  jinxed Murphy's day.

So now here I am, under a closed shop in a small alleyway, waiting for the rain to stop which looks like it won't for the next few hours. As I said, just fantastic.

I slid on the closed door, hugging my knees and tucking my chin right on top of it, I reached my bag to get my phone, in hope that I can call a friend, or order an online taxi, but just my luck.

It's on one percent-scratch that, it died.

My eyebrows twitch as I threw the thing inside of my bag and screamed into it furiously, tell me, what did I do to deserve this? Is it karma? Well what the hell did I do to deserve karma anyway?

I don't deserve any karma except karma akabane and that's final.

I kept on screaming, but it was cut short as I heard a small frightened whimper. Oh shit did my horrifying scream frightened anyone? Or anything?

I lifted my head up and looked around, well that's odd, all I see is an empty street and droplets. Maybe I misheard-


And it sounds like.. GASP A KITTEN

Oh gee, my scream was so terrifying, I scared a kitten. But that's not the problem now is it?

There's a possibility that a kitten has been abandoned and i've been wanting to adopt a kitten ever since i've had my own apartment, and now? Is my chance.

I shot up and scanned the area for any suspicious thing-HAH, A CARDBOARD


Never mind it's just some rotten fruits, ew. Then where's the kitten-


I froze as I felt something scratch my legs, is it the kitten? Please be the kitten, and not a ghost trying to jinx me even more on this already very jinxed day, I slowly looked down and my heart melted at the sight, it's a small kitten with blue and brown eyes, and oh? Mixed red and white fur?

Well that's not normal isn't it? Nah whatever doesn't matter, what does is, IT'S SOO CUTE I WANNA ROLL OVER!

I crouched down to it's size and it flinched, I stopprd for a second before slowly reaching my hand out, waiting for it to make it's own move. It stared at me before walking up to me slowly and sniffed it, after a while it calmed down and started rubbing it's head on my hand.

My heart- I think I just had a heart attack.

I smiled at it's UTTER CUTENESS and scratched behind it's ears, cooing. "Hey there little bud, are you lost?"

It meowed at me, and let's just say I'm dumb, so I consider that as a hard yes.

I giggled as I kept rubbing it's soft fur, cooing when it purred as I moved my hand to rub it's belly, which was pretty thin, too thin.

I inspected the cat as I kept petting on it, and I realized that this cat is actually a he, and it has a small burn scar on it's eye. Why you little poor thing.

I grabbed my dry jacket that I was originally going to use for myself once the rain has died down, so I at least have a dry clothing, but we have our priorities, and my priority? Is this insanely adorable cat that I definitely am going to keep, and is also gonna make my pockets hurt, but we make sacrifices sometimes it's fine.

Oh right, jacket. I grabbed the jacket and wrapped the small kitty into the jacket, making sure it's tucked and warm. I stared up at the sky, and it was still pouring pretty badly.

I sighed, running through it won't do me or the cat any good, I guess it's better if I just wait then, right?

I sat back down, ignoring the probably muddy water on the floor as it seeped through my skirt. I hugged the cat closer to my chest and it snuggled closer. I giggled again as I snuggle my head against his, and he purred.

I brighten up, this means he likes me right? Well good, because bringing home a cat that hates me would be such a huge b o t h e r.

I looked at the scar again, and I'm convinced that it was caused by a reckless or ruthless human being, if it was an accident it'll be fine, but who would accidentally burn a cat's eye? That sounds sus to me, not only that, it was also starving, apart from it's well kept fur.

They're just in it for the pretty fur, and I'm sure of it. Hell I'm surprised that this cat is not terrified of me or any humans in general. I guess it's just friendly? Or it just likes me who knows.

Either way, sometimes, some human are just unbelievable, like abusing an animal? Not cool. I guess I know where I'm going after the rain stops, the vet. Maybe even possibly the court because I am gonna SUE.

I slumped my head back, looking up at the sky before looking back at the cat, rubbing it's fur. "Guess it's just you and me, huh bud?"

New story haha yay?
Idk this was like a 12 AM kind of idea, where I got it from? HAH who knows. But anyway yeah hope you enjoy.

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