The Moon and the Stars (TsukkiYama)

18 1 0

Smut: 1/5
Fluff: 4/5
Angst: 4/5

Tsukki and Yamaguchi walked side by side through the darkness. It had been a late practice and because the two lived nearby, they would always go home together. Making their way through the night, Tsukkishima peered over at the shorter boy.

The freckles on his face sparkled like several dancing stars swept perfectly across his soft cheeks. He had wanted to kiss these stars, pulling his best friend close to his chest for the longest time. Tsukki never understood why this boy stuck around. Why did he always stay with me? Why me? Tsukkishima pondered this question for the past few years. He never did understand why Yamaguchi thought so highly of him. In any case, it didn't matter to Tsukki, who was madly in love with him.

Though, he had to admit, he did feel a bit guilty. Tsukkishima never thought very highly of himself. He wondered what world of beautiful people lie beyond him. So many people that Yamaguchi could be loving, yet he chose to stick with his tall, blonde, pessimistic friend. Tsukki often felt like he was holding him back. Tsukkishima's apathetic attitude was unmatched and shined dimly against the bright optimism of his friend.

"Hey, uh.. Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked nervously. He paused for a brief second before continuing. "Are you okay? You seem distant tonight?" Yamaguchi had his head cocked towards his friend.

"What do you mean? My headphones are off." Tsukki responded in an almost-harsh tone.

"I know that I just mean. Well we used to talk more on our walks home. We haven't talked in weeks."

Tsukki understood what his friend was saying. It was all true. He had allowed himself to get distracted, thinking of the many ways he was he was harming his friend by staying with him. Tsukki wanted the world for his best friend (though he'd never admit it) and he felt as though he couldn't give that to him,

Tsukki decided against speaking his mind for fear that it would bring them closer together once again. It destroyed Tsukki to ignore Yamaguchi, but he was u deserving of his love.

"Sorry", was all that Tsukki could mutter in this moment.

"No." Yamaguchi stopped in his tracks. Shocked by his boldness, Tsukki turned around suddenly.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"No." Yamaguchi had this new sense of confidence spread across his face.

"Tsukki, I know what you're doing and I'm not okay with it."

"What are you even talking about?" Tsukki said, his words laced with fear.

"You've been trying to push me away Tsukki. But I'm not going to let you. Not that easy." Yamaguchi closed the gap between them both. Though Yamaguchi was substantially shorter than the other, the boldness of his words compensated for his height. In this moment, Yamaguchi was far taller than his friend, at least in his tone.

"Listen, Tsukki. I think I get it. I know how you feel- like you're somehow worse than me. But it's all bullshit!" Yamaguchi practically yelled the last sentence to his friend who now, for the first time in years, stood in front of his Yamaguchi with a tear in his eye.

Tsukki remained silent. What could be even say?

"I'm done with you pretending like you're not in love with me. When I know you are! Just like I am Tsukki! Don't you get it? I love you. You're allowed to be happy! We-", Yamaguchi hesitated. "We're allowed to be happy." He took both of his friend's hands in his own and looked down at his feet, tears streaming down his face.

Tsukki could barely process what had just been said. A confession? No, he had know about their feelings for the longest time. Even if it was never spoken before, Yamaguchi's actions always showed his admiration and love. A revelation? Yes. That was it. Tsukki had just realized something. Something very important. Something that pried at the corners of his mouth in this moment. Something that had caused his hand to move swiftly to Yamagichi's chin. Something that caused his lips to press against his friend's. Something that caused the tears to dry against his cheeks as the two held each other under the light of the lampposts and the moon and the stars. Tsukkishima had finally realized, not that he was in love (again, this he already knew), but rather that he was deserving of love. Specifically, Yamaguchi's love.

As their lips patted and faces separated, Yamaguchi gazed into the others soft eyes. No more words were said that night until the "Goodnight" that escaped Yamaguchi's lips before the parted ways. No other words need to be spoken, however. They had shown their love in the way they always had before. Through actions. The way Tsukki never wore his headphones when he walked with his companion. The way Yamaguchi always smiled at Tsukki after every game. The way they looked at each other from across the room. The love was always the same, though up until tonight, it was never said out loud.

Tsukki had decided that he would tell Yamaguchi the following night that he loved him too. Though it wasn't necessary, for Yamaguchi had always known.

Yamaguchi always walked with the light of a million stars. And although the name Tsukkishima meant 'moon', he never felt as though he lived up to the title. You see, the moon lights up the sky in the dark of the night, but Yamaguchi was always the one who shined the brightest- brighter than anyone he had ever met. His name held a poetic power that Tsukki never fully understood. He felt undeserving of his own name but often wished that someday, by some miracle, he could give it to Yamaguchi. A name they could share. Only them. The stars and the moon. Forever.

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