Weak (DaiSuga)

17 1 0

Smut: 4/5
Fluff: 3/5
Angst: 0/5

Daichi and his former vice-captain were captivated by the darkness that the night brought. It was clear out, and the glistening stars shone through the endless tapestry of black. The sharp chill of the wind hit the couple, whose fingers were intertwined as they walked along the cemented sidewalk. The familiar atmosphere of their home town brought about a certain comfort they had both forgotten. It was truly nice.

Suga and Daich had finally gotten together after their first semester of university, where they came to the mutual understanding that neither boy could live without the other. It was almost a year since then, and here they were together in the streets of Miyagi, taking in the overwhelming peace of the atmosphere.

A faint blush grew across their cheeks, though it was more noticeable on Suga, whose pale skin and clear complexion allowed no secrets of emotion to be kept. Daichi loved this about him. His ability to make Suga blush paired nicely with the other's translucent skin, which melted like butter under Daichi's touch. Daichi loved touching Suga. As much as he hated to admit it, Suga made him incredibly weak. To Daichi's dismay, Suga often took advantage of this fact.

But tonight was date night, and as the boys finally reached their destination, they dropped their grasp on each other's hand and made their way through the entrance. The familiar scent of Italian food and candle wax hit their noses simultaneously.

They had discovered this place in their third year of high school. Although neither boy cared to admit it at the time, this is where they had some of their best dates and shared their fondest memories. As friends, of course.

The restaurant was fancy enough. Each table adorned with a white tablecloth and burning candle made the atmosphere cozy, yet romantic.

As they took their seats and scanned over the drinks menu, Daichi was the first to break the comfortable silence.

"This is nice, huh?" Daichi said, smiling fondly.

Suga reached over and squeezed his boyfriends hand, with the same soft expression he always gave when he was genuinely content.

"Yeah. Sure is nice to be home."

Daichi admired his partners appearance. He was wearing a plain white button down shirt and formal unbuttoned black jacket. The simplicity of his outfit was stunning. No, Daichi thought. Suga was stunning.

After ordering their drinks and meals, the couple made light conversation, discussing the places they wanted to go and people they wanted to visit on their weekend away. This was only the second time they were able to return home after having started college. Their busy schedules made it impossible to find the time away from their education to visit.

Somewhere during the conversation, Suga's expression began to shift. His formerly kind smile shifted slightly to a smirking grin. It was a subtle change, but a specific face that Daichi recognized all too well on the other. Daichi almost memorized this lustful look. The slightly uneven curve of Suga's smile, the narrowing of his eyes, and the tilt of his chin. Daichi began to get flustered as he realized what this smirk implied. 'Here?' Daichi thought, peering over at his date.

Suga traced the rim of his drink with his index finger and his other hand was held just under his chin. Suga took the straw out of his glass and slowly raised it to his lips. He placed it horizontally in between them, and moved it through slowly. Daichi was clearly flustered, his face beat red.

"Hey Dai?" Suga asked in a seductively low tone. When Daichi didn't respond, Suga leaned his body forward, putting him in close proximity to his date just across the table. Suga had dropped the straw and folded both hands neatly under his chin. "Man Daichi, you look really good right now." He spoke slowly. Daichi gulped. He felt a shiver run down his spine. He could feel Suga's eyes trace over the tightness of his chest within his shirt. He analyzed the ripples and folds of the fabric over Daichi's firm arms. His eyes traced over his date, and then glanced down momentarily.

Suga quietly cleared his throat, and in a deep, breathy whisper, spoke. "Look, Daichi, I'm really horny right now." This was enough to raise the former captain's blood pressure through the roof. He could feel his heart racing. Small beads of sweat began dripping down his forehead.

The intimate, yet very public moment was suddenly interrupted when the waitress approached the pair. She turned to Daichi. "Sir, I'm sorry, I just found out we're all out of eggplant. I can get you chicken parmesan if you'd like that instead." Daichi could barely move, let alone speak. "Um. Yeah that's fine thanks", he was finally able to mutter out, his voice dry and breathy.

Once the woman walked away, Suga placed his finger on Daichi's knuckle, and traced circles on his skin. "Oh no Daichi!" Suga said with a fake nervous tone. "They're all out of eggplant tonight." Daichi didn't know how it was even possible, but Suga's grin widened further. "I guess it's up to you to... restock?"

Usually Daichi would tease Suga for making such a cheesy joke, but every word that his date said went straight to his lower region. He only realized this when he felt the fit of his pants, which were tightening more and more by the second.

Underneath the table, Suga slipped his foot out of his shoe and slowly raised his leg. He brushed his toes against the side of Daichi's ankle. Then, slowly raising the fabric of Daichi's pant leg, he dragged his foot along the side of his partner's calf. Dropping the fabric, he worked his way up to Daichi's thigh, brushing against the inside lightly. Daichi clenched his muscles at this sudden change of pace. He looked at Suga's face, which hadn't faltered in the slightest.

Suga parted his lips slightly, and in the faintest tone released a small, teasing moan. Suga placed his foot between Daichi's thighs and let it linger for a few brief seconds. He could feel his boyfriends hardened length pressed against the inside of his dress pants.

Suga slowly began to rub Daichi's member with his toes. At this point, Daichi's cheeks were completely flushed and his breathing turned to a desperate pant. He realized it was a bit loud when Suga raised his finger to his lips, signaling for him to quiet down. It felt nearly impossible. Suga was irresistible. Suga made him weak.

He began to work faster, massaging Daichi with the arch of his foot. This new speed made Daichi grab the sides of the table, his knuckles turning pale. He bunched up the table cloth in his fists and leaned his back slightly forward. Suga rubbed all down his length, tenderly stroking his now-pulsing bulge. Suga knew his boyfriend was close by the expression he wore on his face, as well as the swell pressed against his heel. His sock grazed the cloth repeatedly, and Daichi could no longer take it. He was whispering soft moans and his shoulders tensed up. He desperately spoke in the smallest tone. "Suga. I'm gonna-". But Suga didn't let up. He only stroked harder.

Suddenly, Daichi couldn't contain himself any longer and came in his pants, right as the waitress approached and placed two dishes down in front of them. "Sir are you okay?" She asked in a concerned tone as she peered over at Daichi who was clenching the fabric against his chest, and breathing heavily. There was moisture pouring down his red face. "Oh don't worry about him he's fine." Suga said in a casual tone. "Just a little flustered, that's all. Thank you." Suga gave the woman a genuine grin. She nodded pleasantly, said "enjoy!" and made her way across the restaurant after grabbing their glasses to refill.

"What the fuck was that?!" Daichi blurted out. "Oh come on! You can't honestly say you didn't like it. And besides, it's not like anyone saw" He gestured to the long tablecloth. Suga smiled maliciously once again as Daichi sighed and brought his hand to his forehead.

"Well at least give me a little warning before doing... something like that." Suga released a light chuckle and squeezed Daichi's hand once again. "Oh, now where's the fun in that?" He asked tauntingly.

Daichi just picked up his utensils and began eating his meal. He knew deep down that there was no stopping his chaotic boyfriend from doing spontaneous things. And though he never liked admitting it... Daichi was weak when it came to Suga.

Haikyuu One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora