Healing The Fog

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"Good, again!" Elora chanted, chest puffed out in approval.

A smirk extended on Aria's lips. She and Estel circled each other. Sweat dripped down both of their faces as they breathed heavily. Caramel eyes watched closely. The indicative shift in the blonde elf's weight. The way her blue eyes narrowed when she settled on where to strike.

Metal clashed against metal as Aria countered the attack.

"Impressive, I dare say," Elora murmured while rubbing her chin. She stood tall, evaluating every swing of the sword.

Aria and Estel swayed in a deadly dance, each in perfect harmony with their sword. Estel swept her leg against the dry ground. A wave of dust burst into the sky towards Aria.

Aria was lost in the midst of dust. But, knowing it was coming, Aria jumped. The sharp edge of Estel's boots missed Aria's waist by a hair.

Estel twisted, kicking her other leg up. Green tinted metal boots collided with Aria's ribs, sending her hurtling back. Aria crashed into the hard ground. Estel advanced, a sword on each hand, ready to strike the defeating blow.

Aria swung her steel sword desperately to stop the golden elf's advance. Metal met metal once again. Estel kneeled and pushed down on her sword. The sharp edge of the elf's blade brushed deadly against Aria's neck.

"Yield," Estel instructed.

"No!" Aria's arms shook under the weight as she tried to keep the blades from slicing her throat.

Estel shifted her weight, a smirk on her face as the swords got closer to Aria, drawing a drop of blood from her flesh. The joy of victory shone brighter than her hair, "yield!"

"NO!" Aria's fingers pricked with magic. She pushed forward. She swung her swords, but this time, a light burned through the length of her blade, sending Estel hurdling back as a crescent-shaped light sliced through her waste.

Aria's eyes stared in shock. The blade in her hands had disintegrated into nothingness; only the heavy hilt she held remained. Aria grunted uncomfortably as she felt the fractured seal try to subdue her powers. It banished, and so did the feeling of claws on her neck.

"Cursed devil's horn," Estel cursed under her breath as she looked at her burned abdomen. Where the light had touched, her light woven armor had disintegrated, just leaving only pale burned flesh.

Aria stared wide-eyed as the red disappeared from Estel's waist until it returned to its normal light pink. "I'm so sorry, Estel. Are you okay?"

Aria scrambled from the floor to offer her help, but a slow clap spread across the clearing as the dust settled over the scene. All eyes turned to the large statue of a man. His hair was like fire itself as it dropped in waves down to his shoulders. Eyes, brighter and more golden than the sun, winked in amusement as all attention settled on him.

"Aaron!" Estel's eyes brightened like a warm summer's sky. She rose from the ground in a flash and marched up to the beast of a man. Estel was by no means short, but she looked like a pup barking at a large bear compared to him. Yet, she stared at the man as if she didn't even register how his stature overshadowed hers. She dove her hands into the red sea, and she ruffled his hair, forcing his neck to bent. "What trouble have you come to cause now?"

The golden eye male turned his attention to Aria. "I came to see the female that was worth my torture."

Estel's expression soured, and her eyebrow rose in reprimand. "Whatever you are scheming, be careful."

"What is there to be careful of?" Aaron sidestepped the great wall that was Estel's attitude.

He strutted towards Aria but was quickly intercepted by Elora's firm form. "Aaron, it is good to see you are back to your lively self."

A Clash Of Light And Thunder (War Of The Forgotten Lovers Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now