Something In The Water Part 1

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The water tumbled, back and forward, crashing against the rock's edges. A salty and sweet scent invaded Elvin's nose, causing his muscles to tense. He knew that scent and the type of creature that it belonged to. Aria was too far into the pond to get out in time. Not with her human speed.

Elvin rose, startling Aria with his nakedness. He charged forward, wet silver strands sinking into the water behind him. His arms seized her waist, pulling her to him. A squeak escaped Aria's lip as Elvin's steady hand slipped under her knee and lifted. Out of instinct, her legs wrapped tightly around him. As fast as he could, he sat down against a rock, Aria straddling his lap.

"Wha-" Elvin's finger fell on Aria's lips, silencing her startled form. His mouth brushed her ears, and he whispered, "it's not what it looks like. You must play along, or else it could be dangerous. Keep your head low, so your hair covers your ears. The nymph senses are dull, and it won't be able to tell you are human over my scent."

The waterfall surface morphed, stretching the boundaries and cascading down the wet, slippery rocks. It glided from pool to pool until it slid into the one with Aria and Elvin.

Elvin gazed into the eyes of a woman. The nymph's dark hair cascaded down to the water, barely hiding her breast. Her dark star-filled eyes stared into Elvin, inviting him. Easily one of the most delicious women he had seen. But he knew better than to be tricked by simple illusions.

"My, my, my... it's been so long since I had company around these parts," the water nymph spoke. Her teeth bit into her bright crimson lips in excitement. 'Two of them, which one should I have first? The male sure looks good enough to eat.'

The prince's hand stroked down Aria's back, intimately, causing her back to straighten. "Go away, water nymph," he commanded. "Your company is not needed here."

"I would beg to differ. Look at how still your partner is. I can tell you don't like such shy partners," —the nymph slid her finger down her breast, trailing the outlines of her refined curves— "I can offer you what you want." Her watery hands insinuatingly disappear below the water's edge.

Nothing but muffled screeches fell onto Aria's ear. She heeded Elvin's warning and resisted the urge to turn back and look. 'What could possibly be making such a horrid noise?' She thought. 'And what does it damn want?'

"I am quite happy with my chosen female, and you will not sway me from her," Elvin spoke. Despite his firm words, Elvin's hands tighten around Aria's waist.

The nymph watched Elvin's silver eyes, searching for any sign that his gaze would waver. But as much as she pouted her lips and swayed her hips suggestively, his eyes never wandered down. The nymph groaned, annoyed, 'no man was this hard to break.' She was desperate for energy. Intent on breaking the elf's iron will, it sent a stream of her essence to him.

The smell invaded Elvin's nose, threatening to intoxicate him. His mind fogged. He had just gotten a taste of heaven, and it made him crave more. He grunted in annoyance as his body reacted to the aphrodisiacal scent.

Aria felt something hardened underneath her, throbbing between their bodies.

Face flushed red, Aria scrambled backward. She trashed in the depths of the water, trying to find her stance. 'What the hell was that?' But she knew quite well what exactly brushed against her. It seemed battle was not the only thing the elf prince was gifted in.

An ear-piercing sound traveled to Aria's burning ears. Instinctively, she turned. A pillar of water stood, sprouting from the surface. Its edges wobbled as the nymph morphed into the shape of a man. Long silver strands cascaded off its head, framing a chiseled and defined torso.

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