Chapter 2

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Rantaro's POV:
I fled upstairs knowing I just got caught in a war zone. I run skipping a few steps. It would've gone faster if the one I was forcing upstairs with me pushed themselves a bit so they wouldn't trip over every stair.

Not knowing my way around the place I run into a room with the lights on and seeing a shower curtain I assumed it was the bathroom. I sprinted inside and threw them on accident on the floor to push the door close as the other kids were already trying to shove themselves in. Trying to have a steady grip on the ground and attempting to push the door close I hear the guy on the other side scream like he was being burned to the stake. I nudged forward slamming the door close and locking both of us inside. I look over seeing them hold a cup in their sweaty hands gripping it tightly as the cup shook in between them. They looked over and gave a faint smile slowly sitting back down on the ground placing their head on their hand obviously showing they were in pain. I kneel down.. gripping their shoulders taking a good look at them. They obviously didn't look too good in their state.

3rd POV:
Shuichi coughed quickly covering his mouth with his shoulder then leaning his upper half forward and resting his head on rantaro's chest, groaning feeling sick. 
"Let me help you to the toilet just in case you want to vomit."
He nodded. Hugging onto his neck. Rantaro picked him up and brought him by the toilet. Shuichi's hands plopped down holding to the rims.

Shuichi's POV:
My eyes were shut but I could surely feel my stomach reacting badly. I open my eyes seeing my distorted reflection in the water then quickly disappearing in a blink of an eye and being replaced with smudged spoiled paint the sewer water replacing the spot-less white canvas. The poor guy behind me tried comforting me by rubbing and patting my trembling back. This went on until there was nothing left inside my small stomach.
I feel something being placed on top on my head. I grab some toilet paper to whip my mouth then I look up.
"It's your hat you left behind.."
"Right.. thanks."
"I'll be back. I'm going to bring you something to fill you back up. Like some chips or something." He said. I simply flush the toilet then grab his wrist.. "no need.. I'm just gonna call an Uber to come or something."
"What? No, I can take you home if you like? I don't mind. I don't even want to be here anyways especially with those guys on our backs now.."
I look up at him. He had a smile. I never had a chance to look at him.
He's pretty. He has creamy green eyes and his hair seems so soft and fun to play with.
I blink a few times

Wth am I thinking. Stfu Shuichi

"A-are you sure..?"
I get back up and turn the sink on to rinse out that awful taste in my mouth.
"Yeah Ofc! I don't mind."
I smile a bit at his response.
"Alright, thank you.."
I rinse my mouth bending over the sink and spitting the water out till the taste was mostly out of my mouth.
"Do you want to pass by McDonald's or something before we head to your crib? I still want to get you something to eat."

(Time skip :P)

3rd POV:
They both walk out together not causing much of an issue after they made sure the people trying to attack them left. Rantaro opens the door and Shuichi runs out both forgetting Kaede and Kokichi, well rantaro just wanted to leave kokichi behind their friendship was complicated. It had already began raining so Shuichi ran following Rantaro to his car. They get in after he unlocked the car.

Rantaro POV:
I could hear us both slammed the door shut due to the loud noise but I blew it off not minding but shuichi on the  other hand could probably be thinking I probably hate him already. I feel like that's the kind of person he is, but I could be wrong.

I start the car while shuichi got comfortable. He looked out at the rain. He looks so relaxed.
"Is something wrong?"
"Ah, no, sorry. I just found it a bit aesthetic.. y-you looking out the window. That sounds stupid. I'm sorry."
I chuckle awkwardly.
"It's okay. Idc."
I nod then we head out of that hell hole.

He seems to be one of those laid back people who don't really care as much. They're just trying to get through life. His eyes are so pretty. I wonder what they look like once he's gleaming with happiness. He doesn't seem to show any emotion on his face well other than when he's throwing up, but who has a resting bitch face while their throwing up.

I pull up at the drive through there wasn't much of a line. I look over to ask what he wants but he was already facing me. Didn't think he'd ever take his eyes off the window.
"Do you know what you want?"
"Uhm, just a Macchicken."
I nod
"What are you getting?"
"Hey, do you actually want to share twenty piece nuggets and a large fry? You don't have to. I'm just asking."
"Go ahead."
The car in front of us drives forward and it's our turn to order I ask for the twenty piece nuggets and fries with two sprites. She gives me the total the car in front of us leaves the line. We pay and receive our food. I hand it over to shuichi putting it on his lap and put the drinks in the cup holders. I quickly roll the window back up.
"Thanks.. Hand me your phone so I can put my address in."
"Sure thing."
I tell him my password then a few seconds later I hear the GPS say to take a right. The drive there was a mix of laughter, talking, and him feeding me fries.
"Ah my fries, what's wrong?"
"The sprite it's so strong, damn."
I chuckle which then I received a glare back. I give an innocent smile glancing at him. He rolled his eyes as he continued taking sips from his drink. The storm keeps on getting worse lighting strikes and the whole sky lights up only taking in a glimpse before it quickly disappears in a blink of an eye.
"I love storms."
"You do?"

(Wasn't much action in this chapter just shuichi throwing up but next chapter will be better :P)

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