Chapter 4

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Rantaro's POV:

I watch two more episodes enjoying Shuichi's touch and presence. I just wanted him to be close, and I never wanted to leave... I've never thought or felt this much of a strong connection with anyone especially with none of my ex's

I look down feeing like he had fallen asleep and it seems like I was correct.

Well knowing what night he had what else would I expect..

I wanted to stay but I knew I had to head out since I told him I was gonna leave after the rain cooled down.
I smile then picked up the sleeping beauty and walked around to spot his bedroom. I walked down the narrow hallway in which had four rooms. I'm guessing the one in front of me in the very end of the hall is the closet. I looked in the first room to my left. It was just a mundane bathroom: grey walls, pastel blue shower curtain, and all the furniture was marble. I close the door and continue down the hall four steps ahead I land near the next door which was still on the left the last one was on the right. I peek into the left room and saw it was bedroom I didn't know if it was his or not so I peeked into the other and saw posters of bands pinned up and the rooms walls are black with a twin size unmade bed in the corner with a record player on a stool and a cardboard box with what seemed like discs inside and out of the box. I walk in pushing the door with my foot I scan my eyes around what was most likely his room. It was small but cozy he had a desk by a clothing rack it didn't really seem like he had a closet... papers and files were spread throughout his desk and books stacked by his desk leg.

Third POV:
Rantaro laid him down on the mattress and tucked him in laying his head gently down on the pillow. A soft smile showed on saihara's face it made Rantaro smile with a small blush across his cheeks.

Rantaro caressed his cheek before pulling his hand away and looking around his room again.. the posters belong to bands like: Three Days Grace, My Chemical Romance, Korn, Pierce the Veil, etc... He got up and inspected his desk. He had a bulletin board with a few pins and charms.
"He's also into Danganronpa?"
He looked over at him again. Then back at the board and looked at the charms, pins, and prints next to them were other notes irrelevant to the franchise. He looked out of Shuichi's window by his bed. He shifted the curtains to the side. The rain had finally shifted back to a quenching storm. He stared at his reflection then wrote his name in the window.

Rantaros POV:

I looked out the window. The sky was tar-black and the large clouds were moving towards me. I heard a tapping on the window and then it became a pitter-patter. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and I could hear the murmuring of the rain as it pelt down the misty cold glass window. It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.

I back away then let the curtains fall back down. I quietly and slowly sat down on Shuichi's bed again and cupped my particularly wet and warm hands together. I glance over at his restful eyes. He's so perfect when he's fast sleep. I lay down next to him on my side as i stare at his sleek, supple, and pleasingly tinted dark navy hair.. his pale, fair, smooth as wax skin.. I slowly begin to drift off admiring his little attributes knowing I should be heading home, but too tired and comfortable right next to him to leave..

(Fast forward to morning 😎)

Rantaro's POV:
I flash my eye open to see sleeping beauty right on top. I swear my face turned red as my head seeped down deeper into the pillow with my eyes shot open.

I'm so sorry, Shuichi

I gently push him off after I unwrapped his arms and legs which were loosely wrapped around me like I was his favorite stuff animal. I hastily yet lovingly tuck him back in. I notice the rain hearing is fall down the roof and on the pavement. I check the alarm on his nightstand.

"5am? I have to get out of here before he wakes up."

And just like that I head out leaving him. I never thought I'd feel so cold and empty without him. I barely know him but I already feel like I've know him sense birth...

The car ride there wasn't so long but felt like a life time thinking about him eased the coldness I felt inside and out.

(Time skip again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Give me the rain in those flashing sheets of cold droplets and I'll show you how the world breathes into those who glow when the light goes out. Show me how the rain traces sweet paths on your skin and I'll give you a way to feel more alive than any manmade high ever could. So as the clouds gather I feel my soul stir just thinking about you, my beloved...

I clicked my pen and close the journal and quietly placed it down on my nightstand and turn over to my side and close my eyes sleeping the last hours I have left dreaming about you..

(I hope u liked this chapter :3
Since the people reading this most likely loves and ships Shuichi x Rantaro I was thinking if maybe at least one of you would like to start a role play with me? Idk I had one going for another ship but I'd like to start one with this ship too, so if anyone is interested I'll leave my discord down below :P

Discord: Xx_Michael_JacksonxX#4223)

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