Chapter 3

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It wasn't long before they finished their fries and the nuggets arriving at Shuichi's house while it rained cats and dogs. It was a pretty relaxing night, for Shuichi. Although they had to halt at the side of the road at one point due to the storm obscuring Rantaro's view.

Rantaro scratched the back of his neck looking a bit nervous as they parked in Shuichi's driveway. Shuichi looked over after gulping down the last few fries on the bottom.
"Is something wrong..?"
"Uh, no.. it's fine.."
He felt the urge to stay by his side. He wanted to stay by his side just for a bit longer...
"You look uneasy, is it because of the rain?"
"Yes.. yes, is it possible if I can stay for a bit till the storm cools down..?"
Shuichi nodded,
"Sure, I don't mind."
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I didn't think it would storm down this hard."
"It's alright. Plus I don't mind having some company.."

They ran out of the car slamming the door closed and running towards the entrance. Shuichi inserted his keys and turned them unlocking the house. Rantaro stood close to the door. They both came in at the same time already drenched. The boy closed the door then locked it again while Rantaro fixated his eyes around the place. It was just a one story house..
"This house is small mostly because I'm pretty much the only one that uses it. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, small kitchen, okay living room, and everything else.."
He took his shoes off and placed them by the corner beside Rantaro's shoes.
"That's fine, it seems cozy."
"..thanks, don't be afraid to grab from the fridge or the pantry if you're hungry. I'm going to take a shower so I don't catch a cold. You can take one right after if you like too. I'm sure I have some spare clothes for you."

They've each taken a relaxing shower and slumped on the couch after scanning through Hulu to watch a movie or anything
"Mh, have you watched Prodigal Son?"
"No, have you?"
"No, but I've been meaning to. Do you want to give it a try? It's a series probably has like 12 episodes? I heard the new season came out too"
He looked over.
"Sure, probably watch an episode or two before I leave."
They both agreed and actually watched more than two episodes. Popping popcorn on the third episode and pouring some orange juice in some cups for a midnight snack. Shuichi placed the cups down and Rantaro sat back down on the couch with the bowl of popcorn in his lap. Shuichi sat back down and unpaused the episode.

Shuichi's POV:
It's just the beginning of the show and it's already so good. Malcolm he's such a well done character. I reach my hand towards the bowl to grab a few popcorns but I felt something else. I took my eyes off the screen and looked at the bowl then quickly took my hand away blushing. I saw Rantaro also took his eyes off the screen and directed it straight to our hands.
"It's okay! It was an accident. I don't mind.."
His gentle smile eased me a bit.
He twirled my hair on his finger interrupting my apology. He then reached in more and ran his fingers straight through my hair..
"I said it's fine silly.."
there he is with that gentle smile again.. I'm pretty sure my face was redder than a tomato by that point...
he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in I wouldn't say I didn't mind it. I wanted to be close. I wanted to cuddle. In a friendly manner!
I smile and nodded. I laid my head on his shoulder hoping he didn't mind especially after he ran his fingers through my hair and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. This guy isn't afraid or embarrassed... idk why but I felt my eyes grow heavier and I rested against him and let my eyes close trusting his presence.

I'm sure we'll get along well...

(Sorry for the short chapter ^~^ it's 5am and I'm tired..)

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