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everything is dark where am I..... why does it feel like I'm droning in darkness I need to get out of here. someone anyone help me free me. I cant breath its to much the pain the weighted on my chest what's pulling me down. i need an adventure I need something new... huh weird that was the third dream like that what was that dream about. are my dreams trying to tell me something are they telling me I need to leave and go out in to the nothing. I could never leave no one has ever left. maybe im just wishing there to be more then there is. " Rose come down stairs breakfast is ready then you have to get to work. I know you are nerves but you just have to get it on with all your friends have there first day of work today too". oh shoot I didn't even think I was sitting here for that long. "okay mother ill be right down. I cant wait to start work maybe ill be fun". as I make it downstairs my little brother runs in frount of me and makes me fall. " hey watch where your going long legs just because its your first day at the hospital doesn't mean you have to walk slow too" dang that's all I need is to be insalted by my little brother eathen god he can be a pain. "Hey mother im not that hunngery can I just take an apple to go I don't want to be late ill come home right after work I promise." " yeah go ahead no one wants to make a bad first day by being late see you later honnybee".when anna was walking to work she found it weird how every one at her age gets a job on the same day. she never thought it was weird until her dreams start to make her want more then what she has right now.

strangers pov

where am I uhhh I feel like I have a hangover but I don't I need to get to a hospital I don't know what happened all I remember that I was taking a short cut to my mothers house but there was a bad crash so I looked for a new way. then a deer came out of no where and it all happened in a flash. now I'm in the middle of nowhere..... wait what's that is that a building but on my phone I didn't show a town here. maybe my phone messed up maybe there's a hospital here. just walk throw those trees then ill be in the town. almost there ahhh some one ran in to me but that's when I heard the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. " excuse me sir are you you need help. I work at the hospital I could help you over there."

Roses pov

oh no I ran it to some one wait I never seen him is he okay " excuse me sir are you you need help. I work at the hospital I could help you over there." he looks hurt really bad can he walk where did he come from. " sir hey sir can you walk or do I need to run and get some one to help me with you". oh god did he die from the fall oh no oh no please be alive. " Hey what are you doing im fine just point me to the hospital and ill get out of your hair okay little girl". " oh well im going there right now I can help you there. whats your name my name is Rose and where did you come from I haven't see you in this town or the town over did your family hide you or something, becaue if they did that's just horrible who would hide there only kid expeshile a kid that's hurt as bad as you are. wait how did you get hurt like that did you clime a tree to high and fal." " enough little girl I don't even know where I am or how you don't know what a man looks like after they just got in a car crash. didn't you say you worked for the hospital you should be smarter then that god how old are you like five". the rest of the walk they where in silence but Rose couldnt let go of what the man said... how do you not know where you are if these are the only places left. what is a car and how do you get in a car crash.

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