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Its been three week. three weeks on wanting to ask the strange man where he is from, what a car was and how did he not know where he was, But with Roses luck the strange man has been asleep for three weeks. shes starting to think that he wont wake up but if he dosent wake up here soon they will take him to the nothing and die. Rose heard the doctor say the man had two more days and if he didn't wake up he will be put in the nothing. how is going to get him to wake up. no one knows this but shes been sniking in his room on her brakes and days off that's how she heard about what there going to do with him she need to get him up or at least get his out of the hospital.

Roses pov

how am I going to pull this off. how am I going to sneak him out of there with out rasing any red flags I mean I could just wait in two days and get him back in to town. then I could see what the nothing looks like ill tie a rope on a tree conneted to me then get him and hide him in my tree house. its perfect hopfuly it works.

two days later

Todays the day I asked if I could help them with the strange man. they said yes as long as it was okay with my mother and father and to let them know that im not going in to the nothing just coming with ive already told them about the strange man and that he was going to be sent in to the nothing know all I have to do is ask if I could help. " Mother father you know how I told you about that strange man well today is the day that the doctor and the nurse im working with are going to bring him to the nothing. I was wondering if it would be okay if I could help them and see where it is because one day I might need to do that to but im not going in to the nothing ill just be knowing where the spot is to bring people to the nothing? will that be okay with you guys". Both mother and father looked at each other then at me and both said " yes but as long as you don't go in the nothing you will be fine to go." I cant belive they said yes. okay now to start to get everything ready to go bring some water rope and some snakes just in case we get hungry.

An hour later at work

"Rose you made it what did your mother and father say I hope they said yes." I started to laugh because he seems so exited. " yes doctor Ross they said it was okay I even brought water bottles, snakes, and rope because my mother said if you go in the nothing you wont come back." Dr.Ross and nurse Dickson both started to laugh at me and I started to get embarrassing about what I just said. As we walk to the nothing we didn't talk the silence spoke more words then what we could they told me this is the first time they had to ever do this. to bring someone the nothing. they said the reason they haven't done it was because they wake up or pass away. " Dr. Ross I have a question when I brought the man to the hospital he said he didn't even know what this place was. when I asked him what he meant he told me that he's never heard of this place do you think there could be another town close by that we don't know about that lived through the thing that made the nothing, and he just happened to get lost in the nothing and found our town?" Miss Rose that is a good question I mean it could be possible but our parents parents looked and only found the town next to us they almost got lost in the nothing looking to see if there was life. When they started to give up when they where trying to find there way back they found the town next to us and told them what the had seen and how they where glade they found more people alive and how they wherent the only ones alive. I remembered my mother and father telling me about it because they where just kids when it happened. I was really hoping this young man would of woken up he could of lived here so he didn't need to be lost anymore. its hard to think of but if there is another town we should try to find it and help them out thank you for putting this in my mind Miss Rose you are really a smart woman." When Dr. Ross said that it made my skin feel like it was moving what if what my mother had said was true and what I heard was just my dream. I hope that the man could help me out.

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