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Eric's pov

if I where keys where would I be. I would be in the house in a bowl. " I'll be right back I'm heading inside to see if the keys are inside. if you see anyone duck down and lock the doors this button is what locks the doors don't unlock them for anyone but me okay." " tell me your name so you can tell me its you okay I don't even know what your name is. I would love to know the mans name of who saved. please" "my name is Eric ill tell you my name then ill ask you to unlock the doors okay." god can this woman be anymore difficult I didn't even know why I told her my name. hopefully I can drop her off somewhere on the way maybe the cops office. " thank you Eric I like your name it fits you..... do you want me to look in the car for a key?"" do what you want if you want to help then yes look for them in the car if you find them then honk the horn after you start it." that shouldn't be so hard for her to do. half an hour later... how can they not be in here fuck this is stupid maybe she found them. " I couldn't find them inside did you find them?" " no I didn't all I found was this but this isn't a key im sorry I can help you hot wire the car though" are you kidding me those are the fucking keys has she relly not ever been in a car before. ill act happy so don't hear her cry then start the car and head to the main rode. " Rose those are the keys but don't worry if what you told me before that you don't know what a car is then you wouldn't know what the key looked like but im glade you found them lets get on the main road and head to my mothers house." hopefully that will keep her happy until I find out where we are and get signale to call my mother on the phone I found in the house.

Rose pov

those where the keys that's weird its just plastic how can that turn on anything? its weird how I didn't know anything about the nothing but even being out in the nothing for a little bit it seems like I know a lot more then I thought. " hey Eric when we are stuck with each other do you think you can tell me about the nothing like I said no one has ever been out in the nothing and they told us that there wasn't anything out here I just want to know what I've been missing." " I'm not sure what your town has told you but the nothing isn't the nothing your town and the town over must be apart of a cult. meaning that probably wanted to get way from everywhere else. I understand why they don't want to be apart of the rest of the world. you probably don't know about covid-19 or who the president is or how to drive or anything about the rest of the world and until we find a family member of yours that isn't apart of the town ill help you out. tell you every thing I know ill even give you books that you can read to find out about the world and how we have came along way from nothing. it'll be fun." I wonder what covid-19 is maybe I should ask him and see how bad it is but right now we need to go. " hey look in that cubby and see if there is a phone in there or something in there that looks like we can call someone on or message someone it'll help me a lot if you can."" okay what dose it look like is it as small as the key? or are you talking about this glass thing I found when I was looking for the keys?"

Eric's pov

" okay what dose it look like is it as small as the key? or are you talking about this glass thing I found when I was looking for the keys?" how the hell dose she not know what a phone is they must have phones where she came from there is no way... never mind if I'm right about the cult thing then they wouldn't have phones. " yes that's a phone hand it to me and ill call my mother and let her know that where almost there and that your with me, I wouldn't want her to freak out more then what she has already your name is Rose but what is your last name?"" I don't have one that I know of every one just called me Rose or Miss Rose I think its weird but I couldn't ask because no one has a last name." what the hell how am I going to find out who she is this is going to be harder then I thought.

six hours later at Eric's mothers house

"Rose this is my mothers house we are in Arizona its a beautiful place ill take you out in to town to show you around to see the outside world MOM WHERE ARE YOU WHERE HERE I WANT YOU TO MEET SOMEONE!" "Okay okay honey I'm right here hello my name is Lilly what's your name."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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