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after Rose was done with work she couldn't stop thinking. what could he have been saying is he from the nothing. that doesn't make sence how can some one life iin the nothing its imposible. maybe I can ask my mother and father what happened to the nothing how did it become the nothing. that's strange man maybe he is delushonale. but it will be worth a shot to find out what happened to the nothing.

when Rose got home her mother was already making dinner humming a song Rose has never heard of. " mother im home what are you humming it sounds beautiful". " oh its just a song that I remember playing when I was a little kid nothing to grand, I just remembered it to day like I was hearing it from a far. I haven't heard that song in a long time so it must of been a memory"." hey mother I have a quesstoing what was life like befor the nothing and what happened to make the nothing, ive always had this thought but never thought anything of it until now. I was hoping you can tell me what happened". Roses mother didn't expect her dauter to ask a question like that. does she tell her the truth I mean she is the right age, or should she tell her the lie that there suppose to tell the kids when they ask." hon the nothing has nothing left in it when I was a kid there was just a little bit more in the nothing. the song you heard me humming was a song my mother used to sing to me..... before she went missing still to this day I look up at the blank sky and wonder what happened to her you kids would of loved her. she was bright and out going. your a lot like her you know your always wanting an adventer to go explore the nothing she wanted to do that to and I think one day she did and got lost. that's what happens when you go out to the nothing you get lost and you never find your way back its like you live earth and your in a blank room that goes on and on and on but nothing is different".

Rose didn't expect her mother to talk about her mother shes never told them about there grandmother ever it was like there grandmother never existed. later that night Rose hears her mother and father talking." Tom Rose is getting subspaces about the nothing I know that we aren't supposed to tell the kids anything but she's an adult now maybe we can tell her" " HELLEN ARE YOU CRAZY IF WE TELL HER THEN SHE WILL WANT TO LEAVE SHE MUST NOT KNOW WHAT IS IN THE NOTHING. There is a reason why it called the nothing to us. we moved here when rose was a baby she doesn't need to know about the world.... we came here to escape the world and how curler it is and how unfair it can be. if she found out about there being more then just these two towns she will go mantle". " honey I know but I think something happened today that makes her think there is more I mean she didn't even really tell me anything about her first day at work was there is defiantly something odd happening and I don't like it tom. I'm not sure what could have happened but she seems to be asking to many questions and you know what happens when someone asks a lot of questions. I don't want her to end up like that one kid he was such a good kid to bad he just had to keep poking around". they where talking quiet so no one but them and them only could hear. what they didn't know was Rose had heard most of what they said and it made her want to run to her mother and father and ask more questions but it seems like the only one that could answer them was that strange man.

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