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Rose pov

ill snake to see where they put the strange man I still need to find out what he meant by he didn't know where he was. he also said car crash maybe its time for me to read the book about cars. know how to not be seen this is going to be hard know they went straight maybe I can tie a rope to me then walk straight then see where they are.... wait what was that sound it sounded like it was coming from the bushes over there I read about this in a horror book the alone girl. didn't it go like the alone girl goes to investigate the strange notice only to find the most scary thing. a killer the killer ended up killing her along with everyone in her town. but that was a book not real it could just be a bunny maybe the bunny is hurt and needs help. ill go see I mean im a nurse I can help the bunny.

No ones pov

as Rose goes to investigate the sound had stopped and all you could hear was her heart beating really fast. she didn't know what she was going to see she was... is hoping it will be aa cute little bunny that needs help. she slowly a porched the bush and looked over it to her to see something pointing at her she didn't know what it was. she knew that she needed to get away she starts to run towards the doctor and the nurse that she knows are in the nothing. as she's running she can hear a second pair of footsteps running to her. she can feel it she's close to the doctor she can hear him talking to the nurse but that's when she hears something that she didn't want to hear. " Dr. Ross do you think that man did what he was supposed to do to Miss Rose. don't you think it will be bad if she doesn't come back with us?" "Nurse I told you her mother and father told us to do this. it will be an accident she wondered in the nothing and got lost now lets start to head back. so we can tell her parents the news. I really liked Rose she was a beautiful woman I was going to have my son marry her but her lost." Rose then knew she was on her own she needs to get away how can her parents do this to her. where would she go now she doesn't know anything here out in the nothing. she needs to find the strange man... Dr. Ross and the nurse start to walk back and see Rose is gone and her stuff is too that then hear a gun shot and run off. what they don't know that the strange man took down the man that was going to kill Rose and killed him himself.

Strange man pov

My head my head hurts where am I did that brat take me to the doctor's or just leave me. wait this doesn't look like a hospital where am I. that stupid girl had someone bring me to a runed down place in the middle of nowhere god damnit the next time I see her I'm going to kill her. wait who is talking what are they saying." Dr. Ross do you think that man did what he was supposed to do to Miss Rose. don't you think it will be bad if she doesn't come back with us?" "Nurse I told you her mother and father told us to do this. it will be an accident she wondered in the nothing and got lost now lets start to head back. so we can tell her parents the news. I really liked Rose she was a beautiful woman I was going to have my son marry her but her lost." wait are they talking about that girl that was talking so much . where is she did they say they where going to kill her and that her parents told them to. I need to help her right after they leave.... just a little bit longer there we go now where is she." SOMEONE HELP ME IS ANYONE OUT THERE PLEASE HES GOING TO KILL ME." there she is okay now just acted dead they should just run over me there we go now surprise attack. after I garbed the dudes gun I pointed it torwd's him and said that coolest line I can think of " Now now is that anyway to treat a young woman." "BANG" that was all that was heard then he fell. Rose then ran up to me and gave me a hug which'd surprised me.

Rose pov

I cant belive it he saved me I thought he was dead. " thank you so much strange man I will for ever me in favor to you, but I have one question where are we and is this really what the nothing is like." " little girl just go home I saved you cant you just leave me be I just need to go to my mothers house im already late by a day I cant be anymore late or she's going to call the cops and try to find me. by the way you didn't even take me the hospital did you, you had some weird dude and a girl bring me here to leave me to die." what does he mean he was in the hospital for a long time maybe if I tell him I cant leave that I cant go home hell let me come with him. " hey man you where in the hospital for weeks they thought you where dead. I came along because I wanted to save you then I found out that I was going to get killed my that thing in your hand, its not my fault I have no where to go I've never been out in the nothing..... where am I going to go." hopefully he says I can go with him. I really want to go with him maybe he'll, he'll me what his name is or what's in the nothing. "WAIT YOU MEAN IVE BEEN OUT FOR WEEKS GOD DAMNIT I NEED TO GO... wait why do you keep on saying the nothing I mean you are in the middle of no where but that's no reason to call the U.S. the nothing damn didn't your parents teach you anything about world history." "U.S. world history you mean when a big thing came to the world and destroyed it and made they nothing and there where only two towns left my town and the one next to mine, I don't think my family would lie to us I mean this is what I was told my whole life what next cows fly no way is the world history that I learned wrong. hey where are you going I wasn't done talking to you HEY COME BACK HERE SIR." where is he going wait I need to follow him he's all I know out here. " you coming or not I'm not done asking you questions either but we need to find a car we can use. do you know where one is or will that be a what is a car to you?" is he making fun of me I mean its not my fault I didn't want to read that boring book. " well I mean why cant we use yours? and maybe in that house it could be in the storage room?" " that is a good question for one I don't know where my car is and two what is a storage room?" god this man is not that smart Ill just walk to the storage room and maybe hell get the hint "this is a storage room" " that's a garage and yeah that's where cars are but the chance that there would be a car in there is small. I mean..." wow is this a car so cool they look a lot different then the book. " what are you doing get in I need to find the keys they could be here and if there not im going to heave to find out how to hot wire the car so just stay and don't make a nosie okay good"

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