chapter 10

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(First person narrations from Rosie) (A few weeks later) 

Bucky and I were out on a run, it was about 11 pm. I was ahead but Bucky would catch up soon, you see, he's very fast, he can run about 65 mph, I can run 32, faster than Steve but Steve always manages to catch up to me some how. It was 11 so I couldn't exactly see where Buck was but I could hear his footsteps behind me. 

"C'mon Buck, run faster" I said with a small tease 

"If i do I'll pass you" He said back 

"Am I running too slow for you?" I asked 

"If you wanna put it that way, sure" He said, i looked ahead of me and teleported a few feet farther 

"Hey! No powers!" He shouted, i chuckled 

"Run faster!" I shouted back, it didn't take him long to catch up to me. Eventually we did run back home. I was hot and sweaty, so was Bucky. 

"I could feel my leggings glue to my legs" I said 

"Could never be me" Bucky joked

"Oh please." I muttered, entering the bathroom. I was planning on taking a shower. Instead of turning on a normal light bulb, I used LEDs instead. It switched and faded to different colors. It took me around 5 minutes to wash out my hair. 

"Petes sake, Bucky!" I shouted as I turned around 

"Who says Petes sake? Nobody says that" Bucky said 

"If nobody says that and I just said that, who am I?" I asked, bucky stayed quiet 

"Ha! Stumped you!" I joked 

"Anything but" Bucky said 

" But the question Remains; who am I?" I asked 

"I think that's for you to answer...don't you think?" Bucky asked, I smiled a bit 

Everlong | B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now