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Nebula had mentioned a garden before Tony and Steve started arguing, she helped us look for the planet, we did eventually find it. 

"Everyone suit up, you too Rosie" Said Steve 

"I thought we had everyone we needed. We picked accordingly." Said Rhodey 

"Rosie has force fields, you never know what will happen, James. We need all that we can take on the ship, but only what's necessary." Said Natasha, Rosie pressed her bangle on her wrist and her main suit spread over her body. Tony had made her suit, so it really wasn't surprising that he added that feature. But it was handy. Everyone else suited up and boarded the ship (Rockets ship), Bruce, Nebula, Natasha, Carol, Rhodey, Rocket, Steve, Thor, and Rosie were on the ship. Rosie kissed Bucky goodbye and they took off into space 

"Who here has never been to space?" Asked Rocket, Nat, Steve, Rosie, and Rhodey raised there hands, Carol chuckled 

"Don't throw up on my ship" Said Rocket 

"Approaching jump in 3, 2, 1" Said Nebula, soon they were zooming through space. Steve's eyes widened as they went through, then they arrived at 'The Garden' 

"I'll head down for recon." Said Carol, she went down to check the garden 

"This'll work" Said Natasha 

"I know it will. Because I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't" Said Steve 

"How you feeling?" Bruce asked Rosie

"A little nervous" Said Rosie 

"It's okay" Said Bruce, Carol came back up 

"There's no armies or defence of any kind. No people or satellites" Said Carol 

"And That's enough" Said Nebula 


A plan had been made, everyone was ready. Steve, Nat and Rosie waited outside, Carol went through the roof, then Bruce shot from underneath the floor, and Rhodey helped hold down Thanos arms. Thor went in, then Steve, Rosie, and Nat came in. Rocket rolled over the gauntlet and the stones were gone 

"Oh no" He said quietly 

"Where are the stones?" Asked Steve 

"Their gone" Said Thanos 

"No he has to be lying. They have to be somewhere around here" Said Rhodey 

"Where is everyone?" Asked Rosie 

"Gone." Said Thanos 

"Bring them back" Said Rhodey 

"You should be grateful," Said Thanos 

"You killed Trillions!" Shouted Bruce, he pushed over Thanos 

"He has to be lying" Said Rhodey 

"My father is many things. A liar is not one of them" Said Nebula 

"Ah. Daughter, thank you" Said Thanos, Thor yelled and decapitated Thanos 

"What did you do?" Asked Steve 

"I aimed for the head" Said Thor 

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